I'm currently interning for a NodeJS backend position, want to learn more about Devops .
I'm currently working on Nodejs (Express, NestJS), Java (Spring Boot), Python...
I'm currently learning Backend, Cloud Service (AWS, Azure,..), AI, IOS/Android App Development,...
I'm seeking a Front End developer (web/app) for collaboration since my expertise primarily focuses on API design. I have a lot of ideas brewing. If you're interested, please get in touch with me 😊
I'm looking for help with Computer Vision, NLP,...
API design (NodeJS, Spring Boot), System design (monolithic, microservice,..), Message Broker (RabbitMQ), Database/Cache (PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis,...), Linux (Deploying, Shell Scripting), Cloud (AWS), C# (WPF), Flutter, Python, C++,...
I'm a software developer.
Writing is a small hobby of mine, this is my personal blog: GET TIPS 200 OK
And, please give me a star if any of my repositories have helped you. Thank you a lot 🥰