30-days-30-AWS-projects This repository is a challenge by myself to get hands-on experience on the AWS cloud platform by building 30 projects in 30 days. It is currently in the developing stage, wait for it to complete Day Project Title Day 1 Creating EC2 instance in AWS Day 2 Amazon S3 Handson Day 3 Amazon Dynamo DB Handson Day 4 Amazon RDS Handson Day 5 Amazon VPC Day 6 IAM Handson Day 7 Hosting a static website Day 8 script to report the usage of aws in your project Day 9 Deploying Node js application on AWS EC2 Day 10 Deploying High-Availability appliction on AWS Day 11 Host & Run an application on AWS using lift&shift strategy Day 12 Deploying 3-tier application in the cloud Day 13 Advanced static website hosting on AWS Day 14 Deploying an app using HTTPD/apche tomcat in AWS Day 15 Deploying END to END project in AWS Day 16 AWS devops using Codepipeline, code commit, codeBuild, CodeDeploy to ECS ECR Day 17 Using Lambda and AWS x-ray to debug ( serverless ) applications Day 18 How to use API Gateway with Lambda, AWS service and Mock integrations Day 19 Vpc and vpc peering Day 20 Automated Image Resizing and Transfer System Using AWS Services Day 21 Efficient AWS Cost Management through Stale Resource Detection Day 22 Serverless EC2 Instance Scheduler for Company Working Hours Day 23 Migrating a database with the Database MIgration Service Day 24 Secure VPC Architecture with Public and Private Subnets for Production Environment Day 25 Multi-Tier Architecture on AWS using Terraform Day 26 AWS Secret Manager Day 27 Deploying wordpress website on AWS using docker Day 28 Utilizing Amazon API Gateway to Invoke a Python AWS Lambda to Send a Message to Amazon SQS Day 29 Integrating Python, Amazon API Gateway, Lambda, SQS, and SNS Services Day 30 Deploying an Ecommerce application on EKS