It was a product that we worked on from June 2016 to Dec 2018. We built a product for authors so that they can earn by writing articles. Just like video creator earn by uploading videos on youtube.
[You can read more about Oyewiki on Quora]
We have a list of around 7000 email ids provided by authors while signing up on the platform and we are analyzing this data to see the popular email provider.
It can be observed from the bar chart that '' is the most popular email provider. As the value of this email provider is very large as compared to others, it is difficult to interpret information about the other email providers. It would be interesting to find what is the second most popular email provider and compare it with others email providers.
It can be interpreted from the bar chart that '' is the second most popular email provider after '' and '' is the third most popular email provider. It is interesting to note that '', '' and '' are almost similar in popularity.
Now we are analyzing the average length of the emails that people create for themselves.
It can be interpreted from the boxplot that the average length of an email ID ranges between 21 and 25 characters, with maximum email IDs of length 23. There are very few people who create email ID of length more than 31 characters.
Here we are analyzing data present in different columns of Articles table. Mostly we will play with userid, title, description, body/content of articles and total views recieved on those articles.
It can be interpreted from the histogram that the length of title ranges between 2 and 120. Most of the articles have length less than 60 characters. Let us plot a boxplot to know more about the distribution of the title length.
It can be interpreted from the boxplot that the minimum length of title is 3 characters and the maximum length of title is 125 characters. Also, the median length of title is 35 characters, which clearly indicates that maximum articles have length close to 35 characters. The interquantile range of the length of articles is 24 and 51, which indicates that 50% of the articles have length of title between 24 and 51. There are a few outliers as well which lies above the title length of 75 characters.
Then we analyzed different articles written by top 10 user in top 10 categories. This is a stacked bar graph.
It can be interpreted from the stacked bar chart that not all categories are popular among all the authors. Authors have their own preference while choosing a category for writing any article. For instance, User 1 prefers writing articles in poems and thoughts category more than any other category. User 2 has a strong inclination towards tech articles. Though this user has written a lot of articles in thoughts catgeory too but tech is no doubt an outlier. Also, this user has written the maximum number of articles in oyewiki. User 3 only writes fiction articles whereas User 4 likes to write articles in thoughts, health, entertainment and news categories. User 5 again has a preference of writing articles in the category poem. User 6 abd 8 has no such preference and write articles in almost every category. User 7 writes more in finance followed by entertainment. User 9 prefers writing in thoughts and education whereas User 10 prefers thoughts category more than any other category.
Here we will be analuzing the frequency of words in articles written by authors. Before that we will do tokenization, lemmatization of words. Also remove all stop words to remove noise in data.
The frequency distribution graph has top 35 popular words in Oyewiki articles. It can be observed from the frequency distribution graph that "one" has the maximum number of occurences in Oyewiki articles. It has almost occured 4750 times. The second most popular word is "time" with number of occurences close to 4400.