NASA's Open Data Portal hosts a comprehensive data set from The Meteoritical Society, containing information on all known meteorite landings. The FireBall app allows the user to search and visualize these data.
This app was created as part of Chingu Voyage 45, Tier 2.
The search bar is built with fuse.js. The user can search the data by any of the following:
- Name
- Year of strike
- Meteorite composition
- Mass range (low to high, inclusive)
The search results are shown in two formats:
- A detailed data table.
- The table shows information for 10 meteorites at a time and allows the user to advance back and forth through the data.
- The detailed data table dynamically converts the logitude and latitude of the meteorite landing into a location name using the Radar API's reverse geocoding functionality.
- Summary metrics.
- Includes the total number of strikes and the average mass of the strikes.
- Shows a graphical display for the number of strikes by year and the number of strikes by meteorite composition. The graphs are built using the Chart.js library.
- A detailed data table.
The app is responsive. At smaller screen sizes:
- The search bar is placed inside a drawer that can be accessed via a hamburger menu.
- The detailed data table shifts to a vertical format.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd v45-tier2-team-26
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
- chart.js v3.7.0
- chartjs-plugin-datalabels v2.2.0
- fuse.js v6.6.2
- react v18.2.0
- react-chartjs-2 v5.2.0
- react-dom v18.2.0
- spinners-react v1.0.7
- @types/react v18.2.20
- @types/react-dom v18.2.7
- @vitejs/plugin-react v4.0.4
- eslint v8.47.0
- eslint-config-airbnb v19.0.4
- eslint-plugin-import v2.28.0
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y v6.7.1
- eslint-plugin-react v7.33.1
- eslint-plugin-react-hooks v4.6.0
- vite v4.4.9
- vite-plugin-eslint2 v4.0.0
- vitest v0.34.4
- @divriots/jampack v0.20.2
- The meteorite landings dataset we used is provided by NASA's Open Data Portal.
- Special thanks to Chingu for their support and resources throughout the development of this project.