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License: MIT Coverage Maven Central

Helps you to improve the readability of your code when you are using the Decorator pattern.

Makes your code much more readable!

Getting Started

For Gradle, add the following dependency in build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.chinhung:pointwave:1.0.0'

For Maven, add the following dependency in pom.xml


If you use other build tool, please visit Maven Central.


First, call the static method PointWave.decoratee to initialize the decoratee. And then, call the method decorated with the decorator function as the argument in lambda expression, one by one. The last step is to call complete method, which returns the decorated object:

Object decorated = PointWave.decoratee(decoratee)
    .decorated(decoratee -> decorator1Factory.create(decoratee, param1))
    .decorated(decoratee -> Decorator2.createInstance(decoratee, param2))
    .decorated(decoratee -> new Decorator3(decoratee, param3))
  • the decorator function is a function which receives the decoratee and returns the decorated object
  • the decorator functions will be applied following the "First In, First Out" rule (in this example, the inner layer of the decorated object is decoratee, the second layer is Decorator1, the third layer is Decorator2 and the outer layer is Decorator3)
  • provides generic support


public class HelloWorld {

    public String toString() {
        return "Hello World!";
public class NameDecorator extends HelloWorld {
    private final HelloWorld decoratee;
    private final String name;
    public NameDecorator(final HelloWorld decoratee, final String name) {
        this.decoratee = decoratee; = name;

    public String toString() {
        return decoratee.toString() + " " + name + "!";
public class TodayDecorator extends HelloWorld {
    private final HelloWorld decoratee;
    private final String today;
    public TodayDecorator(final HelloWorld decoratee, final String today) {
        this.decoratee = decoratee; = today;

    public String toString() {
        return decoratee.toString() + " Today is " + today + "!";
HelloWorld decorated = PointWave.decoratee(new HelloWorld())
    .decorated(decoratee -> new NameDecorator(decoratee, "John Doe"))
    .decorated(decoratee -> new TodayDecorator(decoratee, "Friday"))

assertEquals("Hello World! John Doe! Today is Friday!", decorated.toString());

Why PointWave

Without PointWave

The code is not readable if you decorate the object manually in the following coding style:

  1. a single line code
Object decorated = new Decorator3(Decorator2.createInstance(decorator1Factory.create(decoratee, param1), param2), param3);
  1. deeply nested code
Object decorated = new Decorator3(

We could improve the readability of the code by using a temporary local variable:

Object decorated = decoratee;
decorated = decorator1Factory.create(decorated, param1);
decorated = Decorator2.createInstance(decorated, param2);
decorated = new Decorator3(decorated, param3);

However, the code style is imperative.

With PointWave

The code style is continuous and similar to the builder pattern, which is more meaningful. Also, an appropriately designed api brings more intention of the code to the reader:

Object decorated = PointWave.decoratee(decoratee)
    .decorated(decoratee -> decorator1Factory.create(decoratee, param1))
    .decorated(decoratee -> Decorator2.createInstance(decoratee, param2))
    .decorated(decoratee -> new Decorator3(decoratee, param3))

Even more, the intention would be more clear if the decorator functions were named appropriately:

Function withDecorator1 = decoratee -> decorator1Factory.create(decoratee, param1);
Function withDecorator2 = decoratee -> Decorator2.createInstance(decorated, param2);
Function withDecorator3 = decoratee -> new Decorator3(decorated, param3);

Object decorated = PointWave.decoratee(decoratee)


  • abstract Decoratee as interface
  • refactor the code to functional style
  • use Github Actions to build and test the code
  • writeJavadoc


  • use Git Flow in this project
  • incremental delivery


Helps you to improve the readability of your code when you are using the Decorator pattern. Makes your code much more readable!






