WAS Account WAS home directory JDK 1.7 or higer
- host]#
- Follow instruct from setup script
- instmanager [INSTANCE_NAME] add
- check instance directory
- instmanager [INSTANCE_NAME] remove
- host]#./cwas [INSTANACE_NAME] start : CWAS install script
instnamager : Instance add / remove , the new instance will located under instance directory
cwas : cwas control script for start, stop, kill and etc function
engine : tomcat core engine for CWAS (include standard startup/stop script and
instance : It will made by instnamager script when you add new instance
share : file for install CWAS package
├── engine
│ ├── bin
│ ├── conf
│ ├── lib
│ ├── temp
│ └── webapps
├── instance
│ ├── test1
│ │ ├── conf
│ │ │ └── Catalina
│ │ │ └── localhost
│ │ ├── lib
│ │ ├── logs
│ │ ├── temp
│ │ ├── webapps
│ │ └── ROOT
│ └── test3
│ ├── conf
│ │ └── Catalina
│ │ └── localhost
│ ├── lib
│ ├── logs
│ ├── temp
│ ├── webapps
│ │ └── ROOT
└── share
├── conf
├── dist
└── webapps
- execute with ./cwas command on cli mode
- cwas has sub-command as below
- start : start [INSTANCE_NAME]
- stop : stop [INSTANCE_NAME]
- restart : stop [INSTANCE_NAME] and start [INSTANCE_NAME]
- status : check status of [INSTANCE_NAME] such as all of port and PID
- config : open config file of [INSTNACE_NAME] ${INSTALLED_PATH}/instance/[INSTANCE_NAME]/conf/sia.conf
- kill : kill [INSTANCE_NAME] process
- log : watch [INSTANCE_NAME] log (catalina.out)
- thread : check thread count of [INSTANCE_NAME]