Twilio ACD example - written with Ruby and HTML, Javascript, websockets on the front end. Deployable to Heroku. Embeddable in Salesforce Open CTI.
For a one minute video demo: YouTube
- Agent presence (ready/not ready buttons)
- Twilio Queues
- Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) - Delivering call from Twilio Queues to the longest availible agent
- Twilio Client - delivery to calls in the broswer
- Realtime notifications of calls in queue, ready agents
- Outbound calls, click2call from Salesforce
- Hold
- Mute
##Todo - future features:
- Transfer
- Allow agent to choose to accept calls on a external number (mobile or desk), not just in-browser
- Queue timeout to voicemail - give callers an option to leave a voicemail after X time
- Reporting
- Twilio Account, Account SID, Auth Token
- Heroku account, heroku installed
- Git, account set up
For Salesforce OpenCTI:
- Salesforce instance, ability to create a Call Center
To get your configuration variables:
Create a Twilio Appid
- you will need this for subseqent steps to set the twilio_app_id.
Create a Twilio App in Devtool -> TwimlApps -> Create App (note the app id created)
- Set name - for example- "Client-acd".
- Note the app id created here. You will need it for later.
- After you create a Heroku app below, you will need to come back to this Twilio Application, and set the Voice URL to point to your newely created Heroku URL + /dial.
- For example, will be the URL for this App
- After you create a Heroku app below, you will need to come back to this Twilio Application, and set the Voice URL to point to your newely created Heroku URL + /dial.
Buy a Twilio phone number - you will need this for subseqent steps.
- Note the Phone number created here. You will need it for later for the twilio_caller_id parameter.
- You will also use this phone number to accept new calls once you create a Heroku (or local tunnel) deploy. You will add to your Twilio voice url: to accept new calls.
To deploy to Heroku:
- Fill out the Config variables - this will create a new Heroku app and produce a new Heroku URL for the app
- Complete the Twilio Config steps above with your new Heroku URL
- After creating the Heroku app, note the URL.
-- Go back in your Twilio Account, and set the voice URL for your Twilio app that was created in the pre-requesites. You have created a new Heroku app witha URL, you can now set the path to that URL and add the /dial path. For example, if you created a Heroku app called "" you would set the Voice URL of your app to
-- You now need to create configure your inbound number with your new Heroku url. Add your Heroku app url + /voice to your Twilio voice URL.
And that's it! You can take inbound calls!
- Download and run locally, then deploy to Heroku manually.
heroku create
this will create a Heroku URL you can use to complete the Twilio Config steps above with your new Heroku URL
- Install MongoLab
heroku addons:add mongolab
Set your Heroku config - you can set ALL the environment variables with this command (replace with your auth tokens etc):
heroku config:set twilio_account_sid=AC11ecc09xxxxxx
To check your config variables:
heroku config
To deploy to heroku:
git push heroku master
To run client ACD, you need a number of environment variables, either to run it locally or to run it on Heroku. You can get some of the configuration options within Twilio, such twilio_account_sid, twilio_account_token, twilio_caller_id, twilio_caller_id. You aslo need a url to handle calls, and that will be either the Heroku app you create, or your local machine via a tunneling service.
Set up code to run locally - this assumes you have the correct Ruby environment or can get it running:
git clone
cd client-acd
bundle install
- set environment variables:
The method of setting these will vary by platform. On Mac, you can: "export twilio_account_sid=AC11ecc_your_account" but that will only last during that session. Another option is edit you .bash_profile, and add: export twilio_account=sid=C11ecc_your_account for all the variables.
To start the process, if everything is set, within the client-acd folder:
ruby client-acd.rb
This will start the process - locally for testing. To use this with Salesforce, Twilio, you will have to use a local tunnel service like Ngrok or LocalTunnel, or deploy to Heroku.
- Go to Call Centers > Create
- Import a call center config included, DemoAdapterTwilio.xml -- after import, change the paramter CTI Adapter URL to the Heroku URL created in the first steps https:/<insert yourherokuappurl
- add yourself to the call center under "Manage Call Center users" > Add more users > (find)
- You should now see a CTI adapter under the Contact tabs. However, you want to use the Service Cloud Console for all cti calls (which prevens browser refreshes that would hang up calls)
- To create a service cloud console
- Setup > Create > Apps > New
- Choose "Console" for type of app
- give it a name, such as "Twilio ACD"
- Accept default for logo
- For tabs, add some tabs to your Service Cloud Console, such as Contacts, Cases
- accept default for step5 "choose how records display"
- Set visibility to all (for dev orgs)
- You've now created an app! You will see you'r console in the App dropdown, for example "Twilio ACD"
- Configuring screenpops
- you can configure screenpop response, such as to pop the search screen, in Setup > Call Centers > (your call center) -> Softphone Layout.