#Twilio Client WhitePages demo.
This is a demo of Twilio client that is mostly based on the standard Twilio Client quickstart guide seen here: https://www.twilio.com/docs/quickstart/ruby/client/hello-monkey
The changes to the "hello monkey" code include:
- New layout for showing caller info
- Including the Whitepages API in the server layer to show caller info
To get it running, you have to do the following:
- Same Twilio setup requirments as detailed here: https://www.twilio.com/docs/quickstart/ruby/client/hello-monkey
- (including creating an application id)
- Register as a developer at http://pro.whitepages.com/developer/
Once set up, to run this locally, you need the follwing evnironment variables (or hard code the variables) as seen in server.rb
- caller_id = ENV['twilio_caller_id']
- account_sid = ENV['twilio_account_sid']
- auth_token = ENV['twilio_auth_token']
- appsid = ENV['twilio_app_id']
- api_key = ENV['whitepages_api_key']
Ruby steps:
- Bundle install
- ruby server.rb