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Python Provisioner Service

This is a simple Python Provisioner Service for Keptn's automatic git provisioning extension based on Gitea.



  • Kubernetes cluster
  • Keptn

First, we will install gitea in the gitea namespace. After that, we will install python-provisioner-service.

Install Gitea

helm repo add gitea-charts
helm repo update
helm install -n ${GITEA_NAMESPACE} gitea gitea-charts/gitea --create-namespace \
  --set memcached.enabled=false \
  --set postgresql.enabled=false \
  --set gitea.config.database.DB_TYPE=sqlite3 \
  --set gitea.config.server.OFFLINE_MODE=true \
  --set gitea.config.server.ROOT_URL=http://gitea-http.${GITEA_NAMESPACE}:3000/

You can access your gitea installation using

kubectl -n ${GITEA_NAMESPACE} port-forward services/gitea-http 3000:3000

on http://localhost:3000

Install python-provisioner-service

This will install python-provisioner-service into the default namespace

helm install python-provisioner-service

Verify it's installed

kubectl get pods -l

Configure Keptn to use the python-provisioner-service

This is done by setting control-plane.features.automaticProvisioningURL to http://python-provisioner-service.default (without trailing slash), e.g.:

helm upgrade --install keptn keptn/keptn -n keptn --create-namespace --version=0.16.0 \ 


Create a Python 3 virtual environment

virtualenv -p python3 venv

Activate virtual environment

source venv/bin/activate


Running on Kubernetes

Run using skaffold

skaffold run --tail

How to release a new version of this service

It is assumed that the current development takes place in the main/master branch (either via Pull Requests or directly).

Once you're ready, go to the Actions tab on GitHub, select Pre-Release or Release, and run the action.


Please find more information in the LICENSE file.