This is a simple Python Provisioner Service for Keptn's automatic git provisioning extension based on Gitea.
- Kubernetes cluster
- Keptn
First, we will install gitea in the gitea
namespace. After that, we will install python-provisioner-service.
helm repo add gitea-charts
helm repo update
helm install -n ${GITEA_NAMESPACE} gitea gitea-charts/gitea --create-namespace \
--set memcached.enabled=false \
--set postgresql.enabled=false \
--set gitea.config.database.DB_TYPE=sqlite3 \
--set gitea.config.server.OFFLINE_MODE=true \
--set gitea.config.server.ROOT_URL=http://gitea-http.${GITEA_NAMESPACE}:3000/
You can access your gitea installation using
kubectl -n ${GITEA_NAMESPACE} port-forward services/gitea-http 3000:3000
This will install python-provisioner-service into the default namespace
helm install python-provisioner-service
Verify it's installed
kubectl get pods -l
This is done by setting control-plane.features.automaticProvisioningURL
to http://python-provisioner-service.default
(without trailing slash), e.g.:
helm upgrade --install keptn keptn/keptn -n keptn --create-namespace --version=0.16.0 \
Create a Python 3 virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3 venv
Activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
Run using skaffold
skaffold run --tail
It is assumed that the current development takes place in the main
branch (either via Pull Requests or directly).
Once you're ready, go to the Actions tab on GitHub, select Pre-Release or Release, and run the action.
Please find more information in the LICENSE file.