An experimental Alfred Workflow for quickly visiting Trello boards.
By default Alfred workflows will run against system Ruby. This is sub optimal. This workflow expects there to be bash script in your home directory that will do whatever form of ruby version management you are partial to. This can be rvm, rbenv, chruby, direct $PATH manipulation, or other. In my case, I user RVM, so I have added the RVM init code to the file:
# ~/.ruby-version-shim
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
Create this file and alter this as needed to make use of your preferred ruby version system.
The repo contains a gemfile with the dependencies. Run bundle install
install the needed gems. Make sure to do this with the default ruby specified
by the ~/.ruby-version-shim
Trelfred expects credentials be exposed in a ~/.env
file. The file should have
the following structure / keys:
You can generate this key by visiting here
You can generate this key by visiting the following URL (note you will have to replace the developer token in this URL):
You can find more detail in the Trello API Documentation - Generating a Token from a User section.
This workflow prosodies two pieces:
- A caching script
- A script filter to prompt / open boards
The boards must be cached before the filter / opening can happen.