See it in action here:
What is Fabric8, Why use it
- Tooling OOB: CICD/ Pipelines, Repo, Nexus3, JForge
- GoFabric8 —> MiniKube for Local development
- Engine for Openshift, perhaps interesting for Enterprise development on kubernetes
- In order to get this working on Azure, use the Ingress controller: kubectl apply -f
- kubectl label node [node name] --overwrite
- AND per node add the following to your docker daemon: --insecure-registry= Azure Container Service only accepts as insecure registry by default. By adding this line in the /etc/systemd/ .... you will accept the default repo from fabric8 as well :)
- install fabric8 local: gofabric8 start
- minikube start
- gofabric8 deploy
- minikube service fabric8
- install fabric8 on Kubernetes cluster (Azure Container Service)
- Setup kubernetes cluster and scale out with 5
- az group create --name $rgroup --location $location
- az acs create --name $name --resource-group $rgroup --orchestrator-type=kubernetes --dns-prefix=$name --generate-ssh-keys
- az acs scale --resource-group=vuggiedemo2 --name=vuggiedemo2 --new-agent-count=5
- gofabric8
- show context: kubectl config get-contexts
- gofabric8 deploy --namespace=superdevs
- gofabric8 volumes --namespace=superdevs
- gofabric8 validate --namespace=superdevs
- Configure fabric8
- Expose fabric8 svc as Type LoadBalancer
- Change ExposeController: kubectl edit configmaps exposecontroller: change domain and exposer to LoadBalancer
- Create Application
- Show JForge/ Gogs/ Jenkins
- Get Project Local ...and start developing
- NB: Add fabric8 to existing maven pom with this command: mvn io.fabric8:fabric8-maven-plugin:3.4.1:setup
- Create Registry on Azure with ACR (Azure Container Registry)
- Create Kubernetes secret: kubectl create secret docker-registry NAMEOFKEY --docker-server=URL_OF_ACR --docker-username=USER --docker-password=PASS --docker-email=EMAIL
- mvn build package fabric8:build
- mvn fabric8:resource
- Add Secret to app: src/main/fabric8/deployment.yml imagePullSecrets: - name: NAME_OF_KEY
- Example of plugin configuration fabric8.maven.plugin
- Example of docker-assembly.xml
- mvn fabric8: push
- mvn fabric8: deploy
- Helm install and configure Nexus3 : Helm init/ helm search nexus
- Edit config maps: kubctl edit configmaps catalog-nexus
- Edit svc kubect edit svc nexus3
- Helm:
- Minikube:
- GoFabric8:
- Maven plugin documentation: