My name is Gloria "Chumi" Gonzalez and I’m a software engineer & UX designer. I was raised in Paraguay and am currently based in NYC. My work experiences cover a wide array of skills including marketing, project management, graphic/UX design, full stack, and mobile development.
I’m passionate about bringing ideas to life, bridging the gap between design and engineering in tech, women/immigrant rights, & creating positive experiences for people.
Tech: Javascript/HTML/CSS, React, Redux, React Native, Firebase, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Github, Heroku, XCode, Swift, Express, Axios, Sequelize, Webpack, Python
Design: Figma, Procreate, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Sketch, Miro
Languages: Fluent in Spanish & English, Conversational in Guarani & Portuguese.
These days I am studying algorithms, updating my portfolio and continuing work on The Brave App and Glow In The Blue App.
The Brave App: a communication and resource platform for a non-profit that supports young immigrant women in NYC.
Glow In The Blue: a mindfulness & productivity tracker.
Nebula Bakery: an e-commerce website for baked goods.