A java tool for money calculate
jdk 1.7+
ISO 4217
standard currencies- user-defined currencies
- support all of rounding modes of java.math.RoundingMode
- operations: add/subtract/multiply/divide/fxByMultiply/fxByDivide/compare
- Stream API:
Money m1 = CurrencyFactory.get("USD").fromBasicUnitValue(1.01);//build a USD money instance by using basic unit, which is dollor.
Money m2 = CurrencyFactory.get("USD").fromMinorUnitValue(109);//build a USD money instance by using minor unit, which is cent.
MoneyCalculator calculator = MoneyCalculator.fromRoundingMode(RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
Money result = calculator.init(m1).add(m2).getResult();
double dollorValue = result.getBasicUnitValue();//2.1
String dollorValueStr = result.getBasicUnitValueString();//"2.10"
long centValue = result.getMinorUnitValue();//210
String resultStr = result.toString();//"USD 2.10"
By default, CurrencyFactory
only supported two currencies: CNY
and USD
But, it's easy to extend, by adding a JSON config file named currency_factory_config.json
in your CLASSPATH, and the config file format like this: