A Python GraphQL library that makes use of type hinting and concurrency support with the new async/await syntax. With the help of type hints and dataclass it's easy to build a GraphQL schema using nothing but Python objects and primitives
Consider the following:
from graphql import (
GraphQLSchema, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLField, GraphQLString)
schema = GraphQLSchema(
'hello': GraphQLField(
resolve=lambda obj, info: 'world')
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typegql import Schema
class RootQuery:
hello: str
def resolve_hello(info):
return 'world
schema = Schema(query=RootQuery)
Clearly the second one looks more "Pythonic" and it's easier to maintain for complex structures
pip install typegql
The following demonstrates how to use typegql for implementing a GraphQL API for a library of books.
The example can be found in typegql/core/examples and you can run it with Sanic by executing python <path_to_example>/server.py
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List
from typegql import Connection
from typegql.examples.library.types import Author, Category
from typegql.examples.library.types import Book
from typegql.examples.library import db
@dataclass(init=False, repr=False)
class Query:
books: List[Book]
authors: List[Author]
categories: List[Category]
books_connection: Connection[Book]
async def resolve_authors(self, info, **kwargs):
return db.get('authors')
async def resolve_books(self, info, **kwargs):
return db.get('books')
async def resolve_categories(self, info, **kwargs):
return db.get('categories')
async def resolve_books_connection(self, info, **kwargs):
data = db.get('books')
return {
'edges': [{
'node': node
} for node in data]}
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum
from typing import List
from examples.library import db
class Gender(Enum):
MALE = 'male'
FEMALE = 'female'
class GeoLocation:
latitude: Decimal
longitude: Decimal
class Author:
"""Person that is usually a writer"""
id: ID = field(metadata={'readonly': True})
name: str
gender: Optional[Gender] = None
geo: Optional[GeoLocation] = None
books: Optional[List[Book]] = None
class Category:
id: ID = field(metadata={'readonly': True})
name: str
class Book:
"""A book... for reading :|"""
id: ID = field(metadata={'readonly': True})
author_id: ID
title: str
author: Optional[Author] = field(default=None, metadata={'description': 'The author of this book'})
categories: Optional[List[Category]] = None
published: Optional[datetime] = None
tags: Optional[List[str]] = None
def __post_init__(self):
self.published = datetime.strptime(self.published, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
async def resolve_author(self, info):
data = filter(lambda x: x['id'] == self.author_id, db.get('authors'))
data = next(data)
author = Author(**data)
author.gender = Gender(author.gender)
if 'geo' in data:
author.geo = GeoLocation(**data.get('geo'))
return author
async def resolve_categories(self, selections, name=None):
data = filter(lambda x: x['id'] in self.categories, db.get('categories'))
for d in data: # showcasing async generator
yield Category(**d)
def resolve_tags(self, selections):
return ['testing', 'purpose']
from typegql import Schema
from examples.library.query import Query
schema = Schema(Query)
query = '''
query BooksConnection {
books_connection {
edges {
node {
author {
async def run():
result = await schema.run(query)
TypeGQL supports DSL client for working with a GraphQL API. The client automatically converts snake to camelcase. Set camelcase=False if this is not desired.
pip install typegql[client]
For example:
from typegql.client import Client
async with Client(url, camelcase=True) as client:
await client.introspection()
dsl = client.dsl
query = dsl.Query.books_connection.select(dsl.BooksConnection.total_count)
doc = dsl.query(query)
status, result = await client.execute(doc)
- updates graphql-core to 3.1.0
- fixes enum return value
- Schema now accepts a more granular list of custom graphql types. Signature is:
def __init__(self,
query: Type,
mutation: Optional[Type] = None,
subscription: Optional[Type] = None,
scalars: Optional[GraphQLScalarMap] = None,
enums: Optional[GraphQLEnumMap] = None,
interfaces: Optional[GraphQLInterfaceMap] = None,
query_types: Optional[GraphQLObjectTypeMap] = None,
mutation_types: Optional[GraphQLInputObjectTypeMap] = None,
- fixes an issue with camelcase parameters when a load method is provided
- fix client execution function
- update dsl selections to work with FrozenList
- added ability to ignore attributes in building the schema by using field(metadata={'skip': True}). This can be useful when you don't want to expose certain fields in GraphQL, like a user's password for example.
- added support for subscriptions
- updates graphql-core-next to grapqhl-core >= 3
- use Sequence instead of List where possible
- fixed a bug where a custom connection arguments don't include the relay pagination arguments as well
- PEP 561 compliant
- BREAKING: Removed Graph as a baseclass
- now makes use of dataclasses.dataclass and dataclasess.fields for building the Schema
- bug fixing and improvements
- changed the name of an input object from ObjectMuation to ObjectInput
- allows forward reference between graph types (ie: Book has an author and an Author has books).
- this only works with python 3.7(using from __future__ import annotations, or python 3.8
- updates uvloop dependency
- fixed a bug when sending introspection schema
- updates assert for introspection add message with status and result
- adds support for enum objects in resolve_field_velue_or_error
- changes Connection, Edge, Node and PageInfo to interfaces IConnection, IEdge, etc.
- implements default Connection and PageInfo objects
- removes has_next, has_previous from PageInfo
- all properties that don't have a Field instance assigned to them will be ignored by the Schema
- updates docs & example to reflect 2.0 changes
- fixed a bug when using a List argument in mutations
- bug fixing
- adds support for camelcase in Client
- adds support for client DSL
- added graphql-core-next as a baseline for all GraphQL operations
- testing
- travis
- more testing
- please help with testing :|