This application shows how easy the Circuit JS SDK can be integrated into a website. This website allows users to collaborate on different movies or TV shows.
Live app at
Medium article at
This app is built using web components, specifically the lit-html library built by the Google Polymer team.
This is the README for the most current version. To view the version that corresponds to the first medium article see Branch V1
- Search for movies or TV shows using
- Allow collaboration on any of the movies/shows using the Circuit SDK
- No authentication required to view chat messages
- Corresponding Circuit conversation in created dyanmically by server-side bot application
- User management (i.e. adding users to conversation) is done dynamically by the bot
- Login using your own sandbox account or one of the test accounts
- Using webpack2
- Build with web components using lit-html
- Collaboration via Circuit WebRTC APIs (audio and/or video)
- AI for bot to reply to simple questions
- Allow commenting on post
- Like/Unlike posts
- Mention users
- Post links, properly display line breaks
- Show analytics data of usage
git clone
cd imdb-collaboration
npm start
// browse to http://localhost:3200