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Make a board game app. Learn LAMP and AJAX.

This is intended as an excuse to build your first API.

If you mimick what I have done then you will have built a (kinda) LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP).

When that term came to power was when PHP was used for most new websites as a way of making dynamic pages (rendered on the servers). I like to think of the new era of LAMP as PHP for API purposes. I went with PHP because it is the easiest server-side solution to play with. We will explore others.

If you really want to play with scripting, nodejs, or mongodb then I have provided a csv file with the data and you can hack at it anyway you see fit. Just share you code with me here on github (it won't be public).

The Database

My database started with a single table games the column names come from's collection system (from now on BGG). I then used python to scrape the boardgamegeek API for more data about my games in particular. This data is saved in the extra table.

The games table has 9 columns:

  • objectname The game's name
  • objectid BGGs internal id for games
  • average average rating by all BGG users
  • avgweight average weight as ranked by BGG users
  • rank overall standing of the game on BGG, 1 is best, 0 is an expansion and doesn't count
  • minplayers minimum allowable number of players
  • maxplayers maximum number of players
  • playingtime number of minutes to play the game (in the worst case)
  • bggbestplayers recommended number of players (three versions, NA is no guidance, a single number is the only recommended number of players, a-- b-- c means a b and c are recommended for this game)

The extra table has five columns:

  • objectid matches the games table
  • description a long description of the game
  • thumbnail a url for a boardgamegeek thumbnail of this game's box cover (format: // so insert your own protocol or rely on the browser)
  • image a url for a larger bgg image of this game
  • categories an Andy crafted string with many common words describing the game joined together by " @@ "

If you are interested in server-side scripting I have provided the Python script I used to create the new table. It gathers the objectid values and for each one consults the 3rd-party BGG XML API for additional data. That data is parsed and converted into a format that works for us. This is our first round of web-scraping and it is one of many options for playing with 3rd-party services. If you want to run my script BeautifulSoup was not natively installed on cloud9 so I ran this command to get it:

sudo apt-get install python-bs4


cd api
python ./

It should output gameid and categories for each game, will take 3-5 minutes to run, after that you'll have an extra table.

Two SQL commands to be aware of:

select objectname, thumbnail from games JOIN extra on (games.objectid = extra.objectid)
select objectname from games where bggbestplayers LIKE '%3%'

JOIN is a way of gluing together results from two tables, there will be an ON statement which says which column in your left table matches which column in your right table. In the above example I will glue games to extra on objectid and return objectname from games and thumbnail from extra. There are several types of JOINs namely LEFT JOIN RIGHT JOIN INNER JOIN OUTER JOIN and plain old JOIN. These will vary whether or not to return a row when either the left or right column doesn't have a match.

LIKE is a conditional statement which can stand-in for = and allows wild-cards. So if I want to find all games which are recommended for 3 players I could use the above statement (% is a wildcard). In this case any rows for which the string from the given column contains the digit 3 would be returned.

Hosting your API

I recommend using cloud9, my version is here at

Cloud9 will generate a public url for you to send me. They also will simulate for you the experience of working from a server via a command line interface (common when working with servers, see SSH). In order to get PHP to talk to SQLITE databases I had run the following command from the command-line:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite

If you want to work on a GitHub Project from Cloud9 do the following:

  • fork this repo
  • clone that repo in cloud9
  • get the php-sqlite package using apt-get
  • edit files
  • commit and push

To commit and push from the command line use two commands roughly like this:

git commit -am 'I fixed the pdo connection'
git push

See the class website for more tutorial-style guidance.