- Fueling Record Maintenance
- Repair Record Maintenance
- Maintenance Record Maintenance
- Inventory Module
- Accident Reporting
- Fuel Efficiency Reports
- Vehicle Expense Reports
##System requirements:
- Web Hosting (XAMPP/WAMP can also be used)
- PHP 4.2
- MySQL Database
- GPLv3 license
##How to install
- Unzip the file
- Upload the file to the hosting root ot folder
- Create a MySQL database using phpmyadmin or otherwise
- In the unzip folder, locate the SQL dump file called mysql-dump-with dummy-data.sql.
- Import this SQL dump to the database created (This database contains some sample data which you can delete later)
- Enter the database connectivity details as follows:
Find "ConnectionManager.php" in connections folder and on line 254-258 find below block of code:
$data["connInfo"][0] = "database_host_name";
$data["connInfo"][1] = "database_user_name";
$data["connInfo"][2] = "database_user_password";
$data["connInfo"][3] = "database_port_number";
$data["connInfo"][4] = "database_name";
Update your database connectivity details above
- Then visit the url and the login screen should appear
- Use following admin logins:
Username: Admin Password: AdminF123
Once you log in, go to Admin Area. You can create any no of users with various user rights to different tables.
Originally created by Vishan Fernando.