Forked from:
Download the script:
curl --remote-name && curl --remote-name
Review the script (avoid running scripts you haven't read!):
less mac
Modify and review your laptop.local
script as desired, then move to ~/.laptop.local
less laptop.local
mv laptop.local ~/.laptop.local
Execute the downloaded script:
sh mac 2>&1 | tee ~/laptop.log
Optionally, review the log:
less ~/laptop.log
Optionally, [install thoughtbot/dotfiles][dotfiles], and delete the mac
rm mac
Your last Laptop run will be saved to ~/laptop.log
Read through it to see if you can debug the issue yourself.
If not, copy the lines where the script failed into a
new GitHub Issue for us.
Or, attach the whole log file as an attachment.
All of the tools from thoughtbot/laptop, plus python
, pyenv
, node
, and rustup
and rust
(including nightly).