The purpose of this Streamlit app is to categorize segments of all videos in index based on whether the segment contains cartwheels or handstands.
To do this, we used Twelve Labs search API. For each video in the index, specified by the index ID, we searched the video for cartwheels and handstands. Depending on where the searches overlapped, our algorithm writes to various files the move (cartwheel/handstand) for every time chunk. Currently, this approach results in overclassification of video chunks as cartwheels.
- streamlit app that controls all functionality of app- Run the app by cloning the repository and running
streamlit run
in the terminal. Add videos to the repo to upload to your index.
- Run the app by cloning the repository and running
- functions that check if video exists in index, uploads videos, queries through videos, and processes scores from
- a script that deletes all the videos in the API- This file can be run by doing
in the terminal
- This file can be run by doing
Upon opening the app, the folowing page will open.
First, an API key to the TwelveLabs account should be provided by clicking on the "Provide API Key and Index ID" button, entering the key, and then pressing "Done", as shown in the screenshot below. The API key can be found after creating an account on TwelveLabs.
Then, videos can be uploaded from one's local computer by clicking on Browse Files, Save, and Classify as shown in the image below.