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Clinton Hall edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 3 revisions

The following outlines options to be configured in SickGear:

  1. Settings -> Media Process -> Post-Processing


i.   TV Download Dir = blank

    ii.  Process Episode Method = Move (recommended)

iii. Scan and Process = must be unticked.

File Handling

iv.  Unpack downloads = must be unticked. 

    v.   Move Associated Files = user choice. (option)

vi.  Rename Episodes = must be ticked.

Failed Downloads

    vii. Enable = must be ticked
  1. Settings -> Post Processing -> Episode Naming

    The naming must be specified as per user choice.

    This naming will be applied to all shows processed via the postprocess script.

  2. Settings -> Post Processing -> Metadata

    The metadata wanted must be specified as per user choice.

    This metadata creation will be applied to all shows processed via the postprocess script.

  3. Config -> Search Settings -> NZB Results (if using usenet)

    i. Send .nzbs = Either SABnzbd or NZBget as appropriate

    ii. Set the Downloader (SABnzbd or NZBGet) ipAddress (localhost), Username/Password/API, and Download Category.

  4. Config -> Search Settings -> Torrent Results (if using torrents)

     i.   Send .Torrents to = Select your Torrent Downloader
     ii.  Set the Downloader ipAddress (localhost), Username/Password/API, and Download Category/Torrent Label.

If using Black Hole method.

    Torrent Black Hole = Enter your Torrent downloader's BlackHole Directory + tv sub directory

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