Cloudy is a tiny REST API to automate the deploy of micro services.
You need a machine with these installed:
Then you can install the Cloudy CLI and create a deploy server:
# install Cloudy CLI
npm i -g @cloud-cli/cloudy
# start a new project
mkdir cloud-server
cd cloud-server
cy init
cy serve
A push to a GitHub repo will trigger a webhook.
The service will then clone the source repository and deploy it to a Docker container, using one of the base images.
Then a Nginx configuration will be generated for that service under /nginx
Define the domain where the Cloudy service will run:
exports CLOUDY_DOMAIN=''
exports PORT=9999
Add a file called service.json
to a GitHub repository, with any of the following options:
NOTE: They are all optional
// one of "node" or "nginx". default is "node"
"type": "node",
// Defaults to [service-id].[cloudy-domain],
// e.g.
"domain": "",
// container's http port. Defaults to a random port available at $PORT env variables
"port": 80,
// any env variables you need to set
"env": {
"FOO": "foo",
"DEBUG": "true",
// incoming websockets support
// In this example, traffic for websocket upgrades will be
// redirected to 'http://localhost:{WEBSOCKET_PORT}/ws'
webSocket: {
"path": "/ws"
In addition to any variables provided by a service configuration, these will be set in every machine:
DATA_DIR A folder where any files can be stored
PORT port for http incoming traffic
WEBSOCKET_PORT port for incoming WebSocket connections
You can create a very long key hash in a file called .key
(in the server root folder).
This key can be used in GitHub as the "Secret" input to add a WebHook for Cloudy updates.
Point a webhook to https://cloudy-host:port/reload/
and every commit will automatically update the Cloudy instance.
First we need to create a new deploy key. Let's say we want to deploy a service from '':
curl -X POST '' --data 'repository/name'
>> 4de1f5aab51b969dace864d506ad88cd1bd4c5c710b6145ff2e196012f3d292f
It goes without saying that is very important to keep this key secure! This key can be used to trigger service updates
Go to the Repository Settings > Webhooks
and add a new webhook ({repository/name}/settings/hooks/new)
URL: the domain where Cloudy is running + '/deploy', e.g.
Content Type: application/json
(from previous step)
And done! Now every commit will redeploy that repo in a Docker Container!
id: string,
type: 'node' | 'nginx'
url: '',
branch: "master",
repository: 'org/repo',
webSocket: { }
domains: string[],
ports: number[] | [number, number][]
env: { "KEY": "value" },
memory: 50mb