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Releases: cloudfoundry/korifi


05 Jun 10:43
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What's Changed

CF API improvements

  - my_service
  - name: your_service

Korifi custom resources improvements

  • The following Korifi custom resources now have a Ready condition (by setting the Ready condition, Korifi signals that the resource is reconciled and usable; interested parties could wait on that condition to ensure they are not getting an inconsistent state):
    • CFDomain
    • CFRoute
    • CFServiceBinding
    • CFServiceInstance
    • CFApp
    • CFOrg
    • CFSpace
    • CFPackage
    • CFProcess
    • CFTask
    • AppWorkload
  • CFRoute's Valid and Invalid status conditions have been removed in favour of the Ready condition


Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0

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24 Jan 09:38
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What's Changed

  • Korifi ingress (both api and workloads) is now leveraging the Gateway API.
    • This means that it is now possible to deploy Korifi against any Gateway API compatible ingress controller.
    • The api.expose and contourRouter.include helm values have become redundant so they are removed from the chart.
  • The VCAP_APPLICATION env var attributes now include uris and application_uris. Thanks @szeort

⚠️ Warning

  • Enabling the Gateway API in Contour requires a restart of the Contour deployment. This causes a short period of downtime for the Korifi API and workloads. Once Contour is up and running all existing applications will imediately be reachable on the same routes.
  • Contour supports the Gateway API since v1.22.0
  • Websocket support in Contour's Gateway API mode is available since Contour v1.26. It is possible to use older Contour versions, but websockets won't work.

🚨 Breaking changes

  • A new required networking.gatewayClass helm value has been introduced to the chart as part of enabling the Gateway API

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0

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31 Oct 10:02
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0

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28 Sep 12:07
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What's Changed

  • Support pushing docker images: more info in the docs
  • The default clusterbuilder stack is updated to Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish
  • Fix: Not all contour resources get turned off causing the deployment to fail (thanks @a2geek)
  • Make the helm jobs image configurable (thanks @wanddynosios)

🚨 Breaking changes

  • The global section in the helm values has been removed. All values that used to be there are now top-level ones. See
  • The helm value api.lifecycle.stagingRequirements has been moved to stagingRequirements
  • Removed redundant helm value api.builderName in favour of

Full Changelog: v0.8.1...v0.9.0

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20 Jul 10:47
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What's Changed

  • Fix a bug in CFOrg deletion job that was preventing it from waiting for the org to get fully deleted (#2702)
  • Fix a bug that would make app deletion block if its referenced domain is already deleted (#2707)
  • Improve (#2710)

Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.8.1

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Korifi 0.8.0

18 Jul 11:43
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What's Changed

  • Leverage Kpack's build caching by using a single kpack.Image per app. This will make most app pushes much faster!
  • Allow buildpack selection via cf push -b. Given we still don't support buildpack management, the only selectable buildpacks are the ones already present in your kpack.ClusterStore.
  • Support custom labels for User-provided Service Instances. This will make them more useful with frameworks like Spring.
  • Support --strategy=rolling for cf push, restart and restage. This will only work for apps pushed to Korifi v0.8 or newer, make sure you run a regular cf restart to enable it on your existing apps.
  • Implement the get default domain endpoint for orgs.
  • Implement jobs for all delete operations. The CLI will now wait until deletions are complete, instead of always returning immediately.
  • Support updating an app name, its and
  • More configuration options:
    • kpackImageBuilder.builderReadinessTimeout to configure the grace period for builder readiness;
    • api.lifecycle.stagingRequirements.buildCacheMB to configure the size of the build cache;
    • global.containerRegistrySecretNames now supports multiple secrets.
  • Fix (thanks @beyhan!)

Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.8.0

⚒️ Ready to try it? See the install instructions!

Korifi 0.7.1

31 Mar 11:24
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1

Korifi 0.7.0

27 Mar 14:38
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What's Changed

  • We have improved our logging by making sure that each log message is emitted at the appropriate level (#2244) and making the log level configurable (#2181, #2266).
  • Labels and annotations are now supported on all our resources.
  • Korifi will now do its best to clean up its unused resources. In particular:
    • the deletion of any package or build/droplet will result in the deletion of the corresponding container image, when possible (#2257, #2284);
    • only a configurable number of packages and builds/droplets will be maintained in the system per app (#2278, #2316, #2331).
  • Service accounts can now be used as Korifi users (#2295).
  • VCAP_APPLICATION will now be available to apps running on Korifi (#2187), and it's possible to add custom extra values to it (#2198).
  • We now support the cf unset-org-role and cf unset-space-role commands (#2106, #2113, #2117).
  • Our 404 Not Found errors now comply with the Cloud Foundry error format and will be correctly handled by the CLI (#2346).
  • We support multiple apps in manifests (#2118).
  • We fixed bugs causing unnecessary app restarts (#2133) and task reruns (#2134).

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.7.0

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Korifi 0.6.0

24 Jan 11:01
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What's Changed

  • We now support the use of alternative ingress controllers! See #2046, #2048 and #2073 for details.
  • We have reduced our footprint by combining all our controllers into a single container image (see #2052).
  • We have introduced the new global.containerRegistryCACertSecret Helm value to improve support for container registries with custom CAs (see #1967).
  • We now include memory and disk quotas in process stats.
  • We now support any org or space name that is considered valid by traditional Cloud Foundry.
  • We have reworked our HTTP layer to get rid of the deprecated gorilla dependency and replace it with chi.

Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0

⚒️ Ready to try it? See the install instructions!

Korifi 0.5.0

20 Dec 17:25
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What's Changed

  • We now support Amazon EKS and ECR! 📦 See the EKS install instructions for more details.
  • The global.packageRegistrySecret Helm value is now global.containerRegistrySecret (see #1941).
  • The api.packageRepositoryPrefix and kpack-image-builder.dropletRepositoryPrefix Helm values have been consolidated into a single global.containerRepositoryPrefix value (see #2029).
  • We now issue a warning when the Kubernetes user you logged in as is not a CF user (see #1834).
  • We now support process metadata patching (see #1910).
  • We now support creating, getting, updating and deleting domains (see #1944).

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0

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