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A simple wrapper (API) that sits between MPESA and BtoBet, allowing 3rd party clients to seamlessly process payments (B2B, B2C and C2B).


  • B2B flow
  • B2C flow
  • C2B (partially, the Broker has been implemented)
  • Unit Tests
  • CI/CD (Github Actions or/and GitLab CI)




Without Docker:

git clone
cd mpesa-btobet-client
poetry install
export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1  # you don't have to do this:-)
export DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///./demo.db

If you are using the zed code editor, please add the below to ./pyproject.toml:

venvPath = ""  # absolute path to your `virtualenvs` folder
venv = ""      # venv name

Setup the database (fresh start, with no revision):

alembic current                            # check db state
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "init"  # initialize database
alembic upgrade head                       # apply migration(s)

Use the below if revision(s) exist in versions:

alembic current                  # check db state
alembic upgrade head             # apply migration(s)

To learn more about alembic here.

SQLite3 (for dummies 😂)

$ sqlite3 demo.db                   # access sqlite console from your terminal

sqlite> .headers ON
sqlite> .mode columns
sqlite> .tables                     # show all tables
sqlite> .schema deposit             # equivalent to MySQL's `DESC deposit;`
sqlite> pragma table_info(deposit); # same as ☝🏽
sqlite> select * from deposit;      # view (all) table data
sqlite> .exit                       # exit the sqlite3 console

We will use a Makefile to start the app 🤗

make local-dev

With Docker:

make build-start-container-dev

Test it out:

  1. /health
  2. swagger ui

with httpie:

http :8088/health

you'd get:

    "status": "healthy 😊"

To bring down the containers and volumes down once done:

make stop-container

You can read and learn about Makefiles here.


make build-start-container-prod DATABASE_URL=url_to_your_prod_db


Clovis Mugaruka


Copyright ©️ 2023, Clovis Mugaruka.
Released under the MIT License.