The R package "G2P" is an integrated Genomic Selection (GS) package for predicting phenotypes from genotypes,
which includes 20 GS algorithms and 13 evaluation measurements. G2P provide a comprehensive but easy-to-use platform
for Genomic Selection researchers.Besides, G2P also provide a interactive UI based on shiny which can easily operated and learned.
- Version 1.0 -First version released on Feb, 28th, 2017
- Version 1.1 -Second version released on August, 14th, 2017
- R (>= 3.3.1)
- BGLR(>= 2.10)
- pROC(>= 1.8)
- PRROC(>= 1.1)
- e1071(>= 1.6-7)
- glmnet(>= 2.0)
- pls(>= 2.5-0)
- randomForest(>= 4.6-12)
- rrBLUP(>= 4.4)
- snowfall(>= 1.84-6.1)
- spls(>= 2.2-1)
- brnn(>= 0.6)
- sommer(>= 2.9)
- hglm(>=2.1-1)
- snow(>=0.4-1)
- snowfall(>=1.84-6.1)
Please assure that you have installed all depends packages before you use G2P
- rgl(>= 0.97.0)
- pheatmap(>= 1.0.8)
- shiny(>= 1.0.3)
- plotly(>= 4.7.0)
- shinythemes(>= 1.1.1)
- ggplot2(>=
- impute(>=1.46.0)
Thesew packages for results display and, if you want use interactive UI and plot in G2P,please assure you have install these packages.Besides,___impute___ for "GSDataQC" function to impute with ___knn___ methods.
install.packages(c("BGLR", "PRROC","e1071","glmnet","spls","randomForest","rrBLUP","snowfall","pls","brnn","sommer","hglm","","snow","snowfall"), dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("path/G2P_1.1.0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
# The path cant including space.
install.packages(c("rgl", "pheatmap","shiny","plotly","shinythemes","ggplot2","impute"), dependencies=TRUE)
- GS Data summary
- Example data
- Trainning model
- Performance assement
- Cross validation
- Feature selection
- Results display
- Package help
- Statistics based methods
BayesA, BayesB, BayesC, BRR, BL, RKHS, RR, rrBLUP, SPLS, LASSO, BRNN, AI, NR, EM, EMM, bigRR - Machine-learning based methods
- Global measures
Pearson correlation, Kendall rank correlation, Spearman Correlation, Mean squared error (MSE), R2 - Threshold-based measures
Normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG), meanNDCG, AUC, AUCpr, F1, Kappa, Relative efficiency (RE), Accuracy
The G2P package have built-in example dataset GYSS, but it only a subset of grain yield under drought stressed(GYSS) dataset with 242 samples and 1000 SNPs. GYSS dataset ware from International Centre for the Improvement of Maize and Wheat (CIMMYT). Complete dataset could be downloaded with 242 samples and 46373 SNPs. We use subset not complete dataset in order to shorten the compute time.
More details please install G2P and see help in R.
Before starting, the user should choose a working directory, preferably a directory devoted exclusively for this tutorial. After starting an R session, change working directory, load the requisite packages and set standard options:
# Display the current working directory
# Set working directory
workingDir = ".";
# Library G2P package
Load datasets and check the input of G2P. This function provide two methods to impute the missing value and finally giving a summary list including multifarious information about input data. For example the count and percent of miss value, the minor allele frequency (MAF) etc. data(GYSS)
# Genotypic data
# Phenotypic data
## GSDataQC, not impute ##
QCRes <- GSDataQC(markers = Markers, phenotype = phenotype, impute = F)
## GSDataQC, impute ##
misIndex <- sample(1:242000,100000)
Markers[misIndex] <- NA
QCResImpute <- GSDataQC(markers = Markers, phenotype = phenotype, impute = T,
imputeMethod = "mean")
To score each SNP set, you can screen high grade of SNP for subsequent modeling, in order to simplify the operation and improve the precision of feature selection.Parameter "method" including "Gini","rrBLUP" and "Accuracy".
# Feature selection with rrBLUP
rrBLUP_selection <- feature_assess(markers = Markers, phenotype = phenotype, method = "rrBLUP")
# This function return a numeric array indicates the score of each position of SNPs
Details for parameter setting and illustration please refer to G2P package’s help in R or reference manual in pdf.
# Fit a regression model (modelMethods including "BayesA", "BayesB", "BayesC", "BL", "BRR", # "rrBLUP",
# "LASSO", "SPLS", "bigRR". )
rrBLUP_model <- GSReModel(markers = Markers, pheVal = phenotype, modelMethods = "rrBLUP")
# Fit a machine learning model (modelMethods including "SVR" , "SVC", "RFR", "RFC")
# Fit RFR model
machine_model <- GSmachine(markers = Markers, pheVal = phenotype, modelMethods = "RFR")
# Fit classification model(RFC)
machine_model <- GSmachine(markers = Markers, pheVal = phenotype, modelMethods = "RFC",
posPercentage = 0.4, ntree = 500)
# Fit other models ("BRNN", "RKHS", "RR", "AI", "NR", "EM", "EMMA"), set parameter "outputModel = TRUE" to get a list including prediction results and model, otherwise, only output prediction results.
BRNN_Res <- fit.BRNN(trainedMarkerMat = Markers, trainedPheVal = phenotype,
predictMarkerMat = Markers[1:10,], outputModel = TRUE,verbose = F)
RKHS_Res <- fit.RKHS(trainedMarkerMat = Markers, trainedPheVal = phenotype,
predictMarkerMat = Markers[1:10,],nIter = 1500, burnIn = 500, outputModel = TRUE)
RR_Res <- fit.RR(trainedMarkerMat = Markers, trainedPheVal = phenotype,
predictMarkerMat = Markers[1:10,], outputModel = TRUE )
# Fit mmer models (method including "AI", "NR", "EM", "EMMA" )
mmer_Res <- fit.mmer(trainedMarkerMat = Markers, trainedPheVal = phenotype,
predictMarkerMat = Markers[1:10,], method = "NR", effectConcider = "A", outputModel = TRUE)
Genomic selection methods including "BRNN", "RKHS", "RR", "AI", "NR", "EM", "EMMA" have got prediction results above. The following prediction function were apply to methods "BayesA", "BayesB", "BayesC", "BL", "BRR", "rrBLUP", "LASSO", "SPLS", "bigRR", "SVR" , "SVC", "RFR" and "RFC". Details for parameter setting and illustration please refer to G2P package’s help in R or reference manual in pdf.
# testMat is a new marker matrix which need to predict
# trainModel is the already model in 3 and the modelMethods indicates the name of method.
rrBLUP_Res <- predictGS(testMat = Markers[1:10,], trainModel = rrBLUP_model, modelMethods = "rrBLUP")
This function return a numeric array indicates the prediction results of each predicted sample.
Multi-methods genotype to phenotype.
> G2P(trainMarker = Markers, trainPheno = phenotype, testMarker = Markers[1:10,], testPheno = phenotype[1:10], modelMethods =c("BayesA", "BayesB", "BayesC", "BL", "BRR", "rrBLUP","RFC"), outputModel =FALSE)
realPhenScore BayesA BayesB BayesC BL BRR rrBLUP RFC
DT10 0.7045494 0.6638141 0.6645500 0.6512245 0.6496041 0.6553746 0.6574948 0.820
DT100 0.3886150 0.4270637 0.4152724 0.4201070 0.4275309 0.4197220 0.4077610 0.096
DT101 0.1165665 0.3105247 0.3044984 0.2987718 0.3117646 0.2924395 0.2930300 0.104
DT102 0.3747609 0.4727063 0.4783084 0.4745835 0.4849857 0.4759522 0.4694439 0.162
DT103 0.4136186 0.4770212 0.4841845 0.4843115 0.4933730 0.4942586 0.4833140 0.166
DT104 0.6908267 0.6321259 0.6272183 0.6269430 0.6128531 0.6268135 0.6300071 0.778
DT105 0.5520021 0.5536663 0.5411970 0.5555117 0.5449907 0.5263780 0.5400619 0.144
DT109 0.5161542 0.4841527 0.4866321 0.4982482 0.4744184 0.4835680 0.4826495 0.110
DT110 0.5486291 0.6010441 0.6076803 0.5893248 0.6028943 0.6064955 0.5979550 0.124
DT111 0.7276410 0.5877352 0.5966961 0.6118398 0.6075789 0.6014777 0.6036835 0.786
Run cross validation (CV) of GS methods. Parameter “cross” indicates the folds of CV, and “seed” sets random seed. “cpus” sets the core numbers of parallel.
predlist <- G2PCrossValidation(cross = 10, seed = 1 , cpus = 3, markers = Markers,
pheVal = phenotype, modelMethods = c("rrBLUP", "RFC"),
outputModel = FALSE)
# This function return a list and each element indicates one fold results of CV.
> predlist$cv1
testPheno rrBLUP RFC
DT187 0.27187247 0.4862278 0.316
DT21 0.08312729 0.4208843 0.254
DT257 0.25201410 0.4822461 0.302
DT72 0.47947204 0.6243357 0.798
DT17 0.50980385 0.4601366 0.154
DT68 0.45270891 0.4154981 0.176
DT78 0.80182295 0.4193034 0.332
DT273 0.61428571 0.5145006 0.344
DT266 0.40762308 0.7258433 0.528
DT116 0.82464237 0.5425566 0.362
DT169 0.29187668 0.4181612 0.284
DT158 1.01129286 0.6474776 0.428
DT276 0.50811050 0.5782443 0.396
DT208 0.58764420 0.6148920 0.402
DT294 0.93534274 0.6184581 0.522
DT233 1.23127979 0.5756115 0.394
DT282 0.51583669 0.5852271 0.374
DT79 0.30790897 0.5193164 0.342
DT206 0.38559096 0.5057513 0.332
DT292 0.49675427 0.5991949 0.704
DT63 0.84989371 0.6700435 0.820
DT167 0.25885476 0.6123705 0.452
DT262 0.56417625 0.5828048 0.208
DT134 0.39868010 0.4842858 0.348
Evaluation function for GS, 13 assessment methods can be set including "pearson", "kendall", "spearman", "MSE","R2" "RE", "Kappa", "AUC","AUCpr","accuracy","F1","meanNDCG", "NDCG". Parameter “topAlpha” indicates the proportion of excellent individuals.
# Merge the results
predMat <- resultsMerge(predList = predlist)
# Evaluation
evalTest <- evaluateGS(realScores = predMat [,1], predScores = predMat [,2:3],
evalMethod = c( "pearson", "kendall","spearman", "RE", "Kappa",
"AUC", "AUCpr", "NDCG", "meanNDCG",
"MSE", "R2", "F1", "accuracy"), topAlpha = 1:90)
This function return a list and each element indicates evaluation results of one assessment strategy.
> evalTest$corMethosds
pearson 0.35861146 0.34324085
kendall 0.22355200 0.21771634
spearman 0.32433095 0.32423002
MSE 0.07325809 0.09292603
R2 0.12860218 0.11781428
> evalTest$RE
top1 0.4623412 0.06032638
top2 0.3552597 0.18740391
top3 0.5868788 0.29001966
top4 0.5445002 0.32067173
top5 0.5474425 0.38223681
top6 0.5146146 0.35913813
top7 0.5288127 0.36279797
top8 0.4777331 0.32782280
top9 0.4415385 0.35465968
top10 0.3841515 0.37457313
top11 0.3953131 0.44471255
top12 0.4269692 0.41753296
top13 0.3919942 0.46025826
top14 0.3324953 0.50017893
top15 0.3418756 0.47511276
top16 0.3586926 0.46829151
top17 0.3621604 0.41855918
top18 0.3478598 0.42316310
top19 0.3563579 0.38201784
top20 0.3588952 0.37693601
top21 0.3095465 0.37088407
top22 0.3259495 0.35949169
top23 0.3308104 0.38578747
top24 0.3305805 0.37949081
top25 0.3430151 0.42111577
top26 0.3597613 0.43218671
top27 0.3730551 0.40364655
top28 0.3608020 0.39152421
top29 0.3769560 0.39211294
top30 0.3618355 0.39188584
G2PCVRes <- G2PCrossValidation(cross = 10,seed = 1 , cpus = 3, markers = Markers,
pheVal = phenotype, modelMethods = c("BayesA", "BayesB", "BayesC", "BL", "BRR","RR","RKHS","rrBLUP","LASSO","SPLS","bigRR","SVC","RFC","SVR","RFR"),
outputModel = FALSE)
CVres <- resultsMerge(predList = G2PCVRes)
evalTest <- evaluateGS(realScores = CVres[,1], predScores = CVres[,2:20],
evalMethod = c( "pearson", "kendall","spearman", "RE", "Kappa",
"AUC", "AUCpr", "NDCG", "meanNDCG",
"MSE", "R2", "F1", "accuracy"), topAlpha = 1:90)
### 8.1 row data visulization
## phenotype distribution plot
rowDataPlot(y = phenotype,show.line = T,barCol = "blue",lineCol = "red")
## PCA 3-D plot
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(as_widget(rowDataPlot(markers = Markers,y = phenotype,plot.type = "PCA")), file="3-D_PCA.html",selfcontained=T)
### 8.2 scatter plot
scatterPlot(CVres,x1 = "BayesA",x2 = "RFC",show.line = F,color_szie = T,make.plotly = F,sizeRange = c(4,6))
### 8.3 lines plot
linePlot(evalMat = evalTest$RE,size = 1)
### 8.4 bar plot
barPlot(evalTest$corMethosds,other = "sector")
### 8.5 heat map
#### pred res heatmap
heatmapPlot(predmat = CVres,make.plotly = F,col.low = "green",col.high = "red")
#### eval res heatmap
heatmapEval <- heatMapDataProcess(x = evalTest,highBound = 0,lowBound = -30,alpha = 15,basedMethod = "best")
heatmapPlot(predmat = heatmapEval,make.plotly = F,col.low = "green",col.high = "red")
Parameter “ratio” set the weight of each methods which need to be integrated. Auto optimize will select two methods which are the most suitable, then assign weights 1:1.
# Preparation of Multi-methods results
predlist <- G2PCrossValidation(cross = 10,seed = 1 , cpus = 3, markers = Markers,
pheVal = phenotype, modelMethods = c("BayesA","BayesB","BayesC","rrBLUP"),
outputModel = FALSE)
# Merge results
resultMat <- resultsMerge(predlist)
inte <- GSIntegrate(predResMat = resultMat[,1:5], ratio = c(2,3,4,4), autoOptimize = F)
> inte[1:10,]
realPhenScore BayesA BayesB BayesC rrBLUP merge
DT187 0.27187247 0.4854131 0.5022911 0.4905175 0.4862278 0.4911293
DT21 0.08312729 0.4062116 0.4054856 0.4023935 0.4208843 0.4093839
DT257 0.25201410 0.4416190 0.4693871 0.4514048 0.4822461 0.4635387
DT72 0.47947204 0.6265084 0.6269129 0.6308500 0.6243357 0.6272691
DT17 0.50980385 0.4457797 0.4529249 0.4495355 0.4601366 0.4530017
DT68 0.45270891 0.3990259 0.4056420 0.4045821 0.4154981 0.4073307
DT78 0.80182295 0.4042674 0.4313791 0.4183998 0.4193034 0.4194989
DT273 0.61428571 0.5154637 0.5050100 0.5040182 0.5145006 0.5092333
DT266 0.40762308 0.7369941 0.7325658 0.7329628 0.7258433 0.7313008
DT116 0.82464237 0.5539202 0.5514976 0.5504473 0.5425566 0.5487961
Other practical functions in G2P: “resultsMerge”, “G2PTest”. resultsMerge : merge CV results list and create a matrix. G2PTest: test run time of G2P cross validation
# Preparation of Multi-methods results
predlist <- G2P(cross = 10,seed = 1 , cpus = 3, markers = Markers,
pheVal = phenotype, modelMethods = c("BayesA","BayesB","BayesC","rrBLUP", "RFC"),
outputModel = FALSE)
# Merge results
resultMat <- resultsMerge(predlist)
# G2PTest
test <- G2PTest(cross = 10, seed = 1, cpus = 3, markers = Markers,
pheVal = phenotype, modelMethods = c("rrBLUP", "RFC"),
outputModel = FALSE)
> test$runOneFoldTime
[1] "00:00:05"
> test$CVtime
[1] 50
To make the implementation more user friendly, TSIS analysis is integrated into a Shiny App (Chang, et al., 2016). By typing
The App is opened in the default web browser. Users can upload input datasets, set parameters for switch analysis, visualize and save the results easily. The G2P App includes four tab panels (see Figure 1 to Figure 5 ).
The first panel including G2P data input and quality control
Input data example
The second panel including G2P, G2P cross validation and evalation parameter setting and runing.
The third panel including visulization of G2P cross validation and evaluation results.
Result table
The last tab panel includes this user manual.
Please use G2P/issues for how to use G2P and reporting bugs.