Requirements optional: create and activate virtualenv
pip install -U git+
git clone
- edit
(AWS/psiturk credentials, settinghost
to if you plan to run on the public internet)
- launch psiturk if it is not already running[psiTurk server:off mode:sdbx #HITs:0]$ server on
- start server if not already running[psiTurk server:on mode:sdbx #HITs:0]$ debug
- test it locally (will pop open a browser stepping you through)[psiTurk server:on mode:sdbx #HITs:0]$ hit create
- to create the hit on the AMT sandbox- Test the experiment by finding your listing on the Amazon sandbox (keep in mind the workerId and completion code must be valid)
Run live
- If all is going well and looks how you expect,
[psiTurk server:on mode:sdbx #HITs:0]$ mode
- to switch to "live" mode [psiTurk server:on mode:live #HITs:0]$ hit create
- to create the hit on the live server, usually something like 0.01 (minium price)[psiTurk server:on mode:live #HITs:0]$ worker approve --hit <yourhitid>
- to approve and pay everyone who has finished[psiTurk server:on mode:live #HITs:0]$ worker bonus --hit <yourhitid> --auto
- to assign bonuses to everyone who has completedthe task correctly