a video game written in golang using the ebiten 2d game libary
Keep your nutrition levels balanced as long as possible by eating the correct food. The longer you stay alive the better. Make sure those calories are in check as well.
TODO: based on your nutrition levels the plate changes form, or your movements become slower.
You can play the game at https://co0p.github.io/foodzy/
- font designed by Khurasan and is called Stop-Bullying from https://www.fontspace.com/stop-bullying-font-f71851
- Eating sound is from Caroline Ford (https://soundbible.com/search.php?q=bite) Eating-SoundBible.com-1470347575
- Food Assets taken from https://axelpale.github.io/openmoji-sprites/
- Gaming in Go by Velovix: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOXvU5Ov-cqpjd1_OnczdizY0I64OfH-T
- WORKSHOP: Game development with Go - Tommaso Visconti: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r6ZH4cA41M&t