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John Vandenberg edited this page Oct 24, 2018 · 8 revisions


Welcome to GCI with the coala organization. GCI is a competition run by Google to introduce students age 13-18 to coding with open source organizations. The complete rules and eligibility requirements can be found here. This year, coala is participating as an independent organization.

coala (always spelled with a lowercase c!) is a language independent code analysis toolkit, unifying many different linters into a single concise interface. More information about coala can be found on the FAQ.

Getting Started

  1. Join our Zulip instance and say hello. Most GCI communication and help (especially with mentors) will be occurring here.
  2. Be sure to check this channel for any important announcements.
  3. Read our newcomer's guide. All of the information about setting up a development environment for coala as well as expectations can be found here. Even though you may be younger than many others in our organization, we still have the same general expectations. You can disregard the sections about the newcomer process as that will not be relevant.
  4. Complete tasks from our GCI lists and have fun!


  • Pace yourself: We recommend that you choose tasks with progressively harder difficulty levels. Usually, jumping directly to a high difficulty level task after getting started will only lead to frustration. Our organization has very strict code review and commit message procedures which may be new to you.
  • Do the Use gitmate task : This task guides you through what coala is about. We highly recommend that you try this task series. If it is not available, it is because there are too many students doing it. Do another newcomer task and come back to this one before doing any medium difficulty tasks.
  • Make use of your mentors: We are happy to help you through problems that you might experience. It is very important that you ask if you are unsure about something as it will make the process easier for everyone.
  • Check the developer docs: Often many questions about our workflow can be answered in the developer documentation. There is also user documentation.
  • GitLab: coala has projects hosted on GitHub (here) and GitLab. Try our GitLab tagged tasks to experience how GitLab is different from GitHub. Signup for GitLab access at

Sister and suborgs organizations

coala is an unbrella organisation, so you will find many tasks in sister organisations, downstream and upstream projects, and various tools that are used by coala developers, including:

Be sure to give them some love too!


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