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Workshop: Doctesting in Python

Lasse Schuirmann edited this page Jul 3, 2016 · 8 revisions

This workshop is over. Recordings are available here.


Doctests in python are a great way to test your code while documenting it. This workshop introduces participants to the concept, conscious use of doctests and enables them to doctest their code efficiently!


  • Why to use doctests?
  • How to use doctests?
  • Excercise: Use doctests!
  • When not to use doctests!
  • Discussion: How to use doctests in coala.


  • Basic Python knowledge
  • A WebRTC capable browser

What you Need to Know

Key Value
Instructor Lasse Schuirmann (@sils1297)
Date July 3rd, 4pm UTC
Duration About 1.5 hours plus Q/A
Difficulty Level easy
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