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Muhammad Kaisar Arkhan edited this page Apr 29, 2017 · 6 revisions

Planet coala is an aggregator of blog posts for coala analyzer. Posts are often posted here from members among our community that are sharing experiences with us and their lives in the open source community.

Why Planet coala?

Because this is how we share our experiences. This is how we show our feelings towards what we are doing.

Who created Planet coala?

Lasse Schuirmann created it last year, to bring a little story telling in this community.

What do we want from you

There are a few guidelines on how to be part of Planet coala.

The first guideline and most important one requires you to have a blog with at least a few posts. You will not be rejected if you don't, but this way we can evaluate the quality of your posts and form an opinion about your blog.

The second guideline asks of you to be part of the coala community. Supposing you are not, you can ask for an invitation on our public and active gitter channel and one of our admins will throw one for you.

The only rule is for the posts to be in english. We have people in our community from throughout the globe and this would make it easier for everyone to understand.

Not rule, but would be nice: You could have at least one post that would be related to coala.

How to get in

Getting in for Planet coala is fairly easy. All you have to do is create a pull request to coala/devops and edit the planet.ini file.

After getting in

Do I have to post only about coala?

No, feel free to post about anything you'd like. We love to hear about our contributors, their personal experiences and lives. Sure, it would be nice if you could post about coala too, but you shouldn't stop here!

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