This project provides a way to make a DevOps in robotics. Documentation at https://cocheok.github.io/robotics_devops
Install Docker
cd ros
docker build -t ros_base .
cd ..
cd rosbridge
docker build -t rosbridge .
cd ..
cd nodered
docker build -t nodered_base .
cd ..
This is example has the following structure:
cd demos/talker-listener
docker-compose up
In another window ###2.1 List the docker containers
docker ps
There are one that has the node_red in his name (The node-red container has a name like talkerlistener_nodered_1).
###2.2 Inspect the node-red container and get the url
replace the with the node-red container of the step 2.1
docker inspect <node-red container>
##3 Use node-red Open your browser and put the ip obtained on the point 2.2. The service is running on port 1880. The topic that is used by the talker node is /chatter
3.1.1 Put the ROS sub node from the input section and the debug node from the output section on the board and connect them
-> ROS Server: ws://rosbridge:9090
-> Topic: /chatter
-> Output: complete msg object
3.2.1 Put the ROS pub node from the output section and the inject node from the input section on the board and connect them
-> ROS Server: ws://rosbridge:9090
-> Topic: /chatter
-> On Payload select type string and put the text "Test from node-red"
Flow [{"id":"5848c162.48fa6","type":"tab","label":"Flow 1","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"be2b815f.a990b","type":"inject","z":"5848c162.48fa6","name":"","topic":"Test","payload":"Test node-red","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":150,"y":360,"wires":[["30696466.ce8f74"]]},{"id":"618d0bad.17be14","type":"debug","z":"5848c162.48fa6","name":"","active":false,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload.data","x":480,"y":140,"wires":[]},{"id":"66b446ff.6d91d","type":"ros-subscribe","z":"5848c162.48fa6","server":"c7030e4e.0c461","topicname":"/chatter","x":190,"y":120,"wires":[["618d0bad.17be14"]]},{"id":"30696466.ce8f74","type":"ros-publish","z":"5848c162.48fa6","server":"c7030e4e.0c461","topicname":"/chatter","msgtype":"std_msgs/String","x":470,"y":360,"wires":[]},{"id":"c7030e4e.0c461","type":"ros-server","z":"","url":"ws://rosbridge:9090"}]