⚠️ This project is in development phase. Please do not use it in production environments.
is a CLI tool that will be able to migrate a running cluster from ECS to a Kubernetes cluster. It takes a ECS task definition and translates into corresponding Kubernetes objects, then deploying into the desired cluster.
The usage instructions can be viewed by entering ecs2k8s --help
ecs2k8s - A CLI tool that will be able to migrate a running cluster from ECS to a Kubernetes cluster
ecs2k8s [command]
Available Commands:
ecs A set of commands to work with the existing AWS ECS cluster.
help Help about any command
- List ECS task definitions
$ ecs2k8s ecs list-tasks
- Generate K8s definition YAML|JSON file
$ ecs2k8s ecs generate-k8s-spec --task-name xxxx
- Create a Kubernetes deployment in a cluster, reads by default from local kube config file
$ ecs2k8s ecs migrate-task --task-name xxxxx --namespace xxxx
- Go >= 1.16