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A ruby wrapper for Open Weather Map API.

Build Status


Latest version 0.12.0

Add the following to your Gemfile

gem 'open-weather'


$ gem install open-weather


Getting and using the API key

How to get an API key and tips for an effective usage of the API:

# get current weather by city name
options = { units: "metric", APPID: "1111111111" }"Berlin, DE", options)

Current weather information API

require 'open_weather'

# get current weather by city name"Cochin, IN", options)

# get current weather by city id
OpenWeather::Current.city_id("1273874", options)

# get current weather by geocode. (lat, lon)
OpenWeather::Current.geocode(9.94, 76.26 , options)

# get current weather for a list of city ids
OpenWeather::Current.cities([524901, 703448, 2643743], options)

# get current weather for a bounding box
OpenWeather::Current.rectangle_zone(12, 32, 15, 37, 10, options)

# get current weather for cities around a point
OpenWeather::Current.circle_zone(55.5, 37.5, 10, options)

# By default temperature is returned in fahrenheit to get the current weather in degrees celsius use unit as follows.
options = { units: "metric", APPID: "1111111111" }"Cochin, IN", options)

Documentation about the current weather end-point:

Weather forecast API

require 'open_weather'

# get weather forecast by city name"Cochin, IN", options)

# get weather forecast by city name in fahrenheit"Cochin, IN", options)

# get weather forecast by city id
OpenWeather::Forecast.city_id("1273874", options)

# get weather forecast by geocode. (lat, lon)
OpenWeather::Forecast.geocode(9.94, 76.26, options)

# get daily weather forecast by city name"Cochin, IN", options)

# get daily weather forecast by city name in fahrenheit"Cochin, IN", options)

# get daily weather forecast by city id
OpenWeather::ForecastDaily.city_id("1273874", options)

# get daily weather forecast by geocode. (lat, lon)
OpenWeather::ForecastDaily.geocode(9.94, 76.26, options)

# get daily weather forecast for 6 days
options[:cnt] = 6
OpenWeather::ForecastDaily.city_id("1273874", options)

Weather history API

require 'open_weather'

# get weather history by city name"Cochin, IN", options)

# get weather history by city id
OpenWeather::History.city_id("1273874", options)

# get weather history by geocode. (lat, lon)
OpenWeather::History.geocode(9.94, 76.26, options)

Doucumentation about the weather forecast end-point:

Multilingual support

# get current weather in german
options[:lang] = "de""Berlin, DE",options)

Available languages are listed at:


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This gem was created during the Hacker Saturdays hosted by Kerala/Kochi Ruby Users Group