A complete and strictly standard conforming library for parsing and rendering RSS 2.0 feeds.
Simple example which renders a feed:
package main
import (
func main() {
item, _ := rss2.NewItem(`Stonehenge finally understood!`, ``)
item.Link = `https://willies-wilts.news/stonehenge-understood`
item.PubDate = &rss2.RSSTime{time.Date(2022, 2, 3, 9, 39, 21, 0, time.UTC)}
channelTitle := `Willie's Wiltshire News`
channelLink := `https://willies-wilts.news`
channelDesc := `Willie's latest news regarding Wiltshire`
channel, _ := rss2.NewChannel(channelTitle, channelLink, channelDesc)
channel.Items = []*rss2.Item{item}
rss, _ := xml.MarshalIndent(rss2.NewRSS(channel), ``, ` `)
fmt.Println(xml.Header + string(rss))
Find more examples and documentation at https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/codesoap/rss2.