This app processes user data and tells the temperature and weather forecast of the place the user is visiting to. This app uses node.js to create a server and webpack to compress all the files. This app uses three different api to fetch data, they are :
Geolocation Api : To get the co-ordinates of the place.
Weatherbit Api : To get the weather forecast.
Pixabay Api : To get the image of the destination.
Install all the required directories.
Make account on geonames, weatherbit, pixabay api.
Make a .env file and store all the required creddentials in it in the following format :
cordUsername = [your key]
WEATHER_KEY = [your key]
PIXABAY_KEY = [your key]
Initialize the webpack by running the following command on the terminal : 'npm run build-prod'
Start your server by using another terminal and run the server by using the command 'npm run start'
You should see your app working by now.
Enter the name of the city you're visiting to.
Enter your travel date.
You should see the weather forecast of that place.