Script that converts ING bank csv to qif format ready for consumption by KMyMoney, including a simple recurring transaction classification function
The Dutch ING bank allows for downloading transactions in a csv file. I use this script to convert the csv file to a qif file to manually import the transactions into KMyMoney, the awesome open source Personal Finance software. Try it out!
Recurring transactions are recognised and automatically assigned a category based on a string which can be anywhere in the transaction. The list of strings and the accompanying Payee and Category for KMyMoney are listed in an .xlsx file for easy editing.
Processed csv's are moved from the Downloads folder to a (configurable) archive folder. csv and qif files are renamed for better sorting.
The easiest way to use this script is to edit itself and run it standalone:
- Edit the file to fill in the ING IBAN number and the KMyMoney account name.
- Optionally change the folder in which the script looks for csv files.
- Optionally edit the locations where the csv files will be archived and the qif files created.
- Edit the bankstatementmapping.xlsx file to automatically categorise transactions or set variable to False to skip the mapping.
- Run the file.
- Import the resulting qif file in KMyMoney.
When you have more than 1 ING account, you could create scripts per account that import ing2qif and change only the variables. Personally I created several sheets in the xlsx for the different accounts. The scripts 'proces-{myaccount}.py' then take the following form:
import ing2qif as iq
iq.ING_IBAN = 'NL@@INGB@@@@@@@@@@'
iq.MAP_SHEET = 'Different sheet name'
iq.KMYMONEYACCOUNT = 'Different account name'
In my personal usecase the csv file is downloaded to the downloads folder, I run the script and import the resulting qif manually in KMyMoney. To run the script I open a Conda-enabled shell, navigate to the script folder and run the script. To simplify running the script I added a .bat file to the folder with the script with the following content:
@echo off
CALL C:\Users\<username>\Miniconda3\Scripts\activate.bat
python proces-<myaccount>.py
conda deactivate
Then I made a copy of the 'Anaconda Prompt' shortcut in the Windows Start Menu folder which points to this .bat file instead of the activate.bat and changed the working folder field.
To rerun the conversion of csv file to qif file, for example after updating the bankstatementmapping file, use the run_redo() function. This function assumes the csv is already moved and renamed and will search the csv archive folder for the latest file for this bankaccount. My script to use this function looks like:
import ing2qif as iq
iq.ING_IBAN = 'NL@@INGB@@@@@@@@@@'
iq.MAP_SHEET = 'Different sheet name'
iq.KMYMONEYACCOUNT = 'Different account name'
This script is provided under the MIT License. Please see the license file for more details.