My Emacs configuration that includes:
- Manage package via
- Python/Go/LSP
- Org-mode/org-roam/org-journal
$ git clone ~/.emacs.d
Open your Emacs and wait the initialization done.
You can configure Git to connect to GitHub over SSH, if you encountered network issues when connected to GitHub over HTTPs.
$ git config --global url."".insteadOf ""
Victor Mono- MonoLisa Nasy
STKaiti(macOS 华文楷体)- 文泉驿正黑(包含等宽)
Install all-the-icons fonts: M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts RET
Create a hugo site
$ hugo new site ~/codes/notes/roam-research-notes-hugo
Make directories
$ mkdir -p ~/codes/notes/roam-research-notes-hugo/journal $ mkdir -p ~/codes/notes/roam-research-notes-hugo/content-org $ mkdir -p ~/codes/notes/roam-research-notes-hugo/gtd
Install gopls
GO111MODULE=on go get
go env -w GOPROXY=",direct"
Install Graphviz to draw it in org-mode with evaluate code block.
Install clangd for lsp-mode
Use cmake to generate clangd configurations:
mkdir build
cd build
mv compile_commands.json ../
cargo install cargo-add cargo-expand cargo-watch
M-x lsp-install-server RET rust-analyzer RET
brew install terminal-notifier
brew install cmake libvterm