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dorkmo edited this page Nov 13, 2020 · 68 revisions

Run openpilot with driving simulator CARLA, which uses docker.

Simulator Read Me Instructions for running openpilot and Carla via docker.

Install Drivers and Software

Download and Install Ubunutu

Create an Ubuntu USB stick for install

Update Nvidia Drivers

Open a Terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T

sudo apt-get update

ubuntu-drivers devices

look for the driver that has "recommended" at the end

for example, the 450 version install command is show below:

sudo apt install nvidia-drivers-450

sudo reboot

Install Docker

sudo apt install curl

$ curl | sh \
&& sudo systemctl start docker \
&& sudo systemctl enable docker

$ sudo docker run hello-world

Install openpilot and carla

sudo apt install git

git clone

cd openpilot

cd tools

cd sim


Install drivers and start carla

sudo INSTALL=1 ./

Run openpilot

Open a second terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T

sudo ./



scrolling press ` and [

exit scroll mode press q

As an aside you can add yourself to the docker group with sudo usermod -aG docker $USER then logout/login to not have to sudo everything

ctrl+d to exit container

ctrl+c to kill process

sudo service docker restart

"communication issue between processes"

disable the issue in controllerd:212

everything with ctrl+c in both windows, edit file, run openpilot script in window 0 and bridge in window 1

See Also

openpilot sim

Download Page

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