This project aims to collect and open source wireless statistics and information in a way that does not disrupt the functioning of apps, but provides useful data such as:
- what percentage of the day a user has internet access?
- how long does the user use Wi-Fi versus Cellular data?
- how often and for how long are users within Bluetooth range of each other?
- how often and for how long are users within Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi direct range of each other?
- how often and for how long are users within NFC range of each other?
- periodically sample their network performance: throughput, delay, jitter, etc.
- obtain and track battery stats to measure the rate of discharge while scanning bt, wifi and wifi directly continually
- publish artifacts to gh releases or maven central
- publish sample app to google play store
- readthedocs
- codecov
- tests
- google maps plotting on server side
- google maps plotting on sample app
- user accounts to only see your own data