SimulationTools is a GPU-accelerated library using Metal for various high-performance algorithms in 3D simulations and computational geometry.
Spatial hashing divides 3D space into a grid, enabling efficient neighbor searches and collision detection.
- Hash Computation: Each vertex is assigned to a cell based on its position.
- Bitonic Sort: Hash-index pairs are sorted to resolve collisions and build cell buckets.
- Cell Boundary Identification: Start and end indices for each cell are determined.
- Collision Candidate Search: Potential colliders are identified within the same and adjacent cells.
- Insertion Sort Storage: Collision candidates are stored using an insertion sort mechanism, maintaining a sorted list of the closest candidates.
- Efficient for both self-collision and external collision detection
- Insertion sort storage allows for temporal and structural reuse of candidates, improving performance in scenarios with coherent motion or stable structures
Optimized for triangle meshes, this variant enables efficient point-triangle collision detection.
- Triangle Hashing: Triangles are hashed into multiple cells they overlap.
- Bucket Storage: Each cell maintains a fixed-size bucket of triangle indices.
- Collision Candidate Search: For each query point, nearby triangles are identified through cell lookups.
- Candidate Refinement: Distance computations are performed to sort and store the closest triangle candidates.
- Specialized for triangle mesh collision detection
- Supports both self-collision and external collision queries
- Efficient spatial reuse of collision information for improved performance in temporally coherent scenarios
- GPU-optimized using Metal for scalability with large numbers of elements
- Insertion sort storage of candidates enables efficient updates in scenarios with small position changes
- Triangle spatial hashing optimizes memory usage through fixed-size buckets per cell
- Performance is sensitive to cell size: smaller cells increase precision but may reduce efficiency for large objects
Here are a few examples demonstrating the use of SpatialHashing for both self-collision and external collision scenarios:
import Metal
import SimulationTools
// MARK: - Basic Spatial Hashing Example
// Initialize Metal device and command queue
guard let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() else { return }
guard let commandQueue = device.makeCommandQueue() else { return }
// Create a set of test positions
let positions: [SIMD3<Float>] = [
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.5, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.5, 0.0],
[1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
[1.1, 1.1, 1.1]
// Configure spatial hashing
let config = SpatialHashing.Configuration(cellSize: 1.0, radius: 0.5)
// Create SpatialHashing instance
let spatialHashing = try SpatialHashing(
device: device,
configuration: config,
maxPositionsCount: positions.count
// Create buffers
let positionsBuffer = try device.buffer(with: positions)
let typedPositionsBuffer = try device.typedBuffer(with: positions, valueType: .float3)
let collisionCandidatesBuffer = try device.typedBuffer(
with: Array(repeating: UInt32.max, count: positions.count * 8),
valueType: .uint
// Create and execute command buffer
guard let commandBuffer = commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer() else { return } typedPositionsBuffer, in: commandBuffer)
collidablePositions: nil,
collisionCandidates: collisionCandidatesBuffer,
connectedVertices: nil,
in: commandBuffer
// Process results
guard let collisionCandidates: [[UInt32]] = collisionCandidatesBuffer.values()?.chunked(into: 8) else { return }
for (index, candidates) in collisionCandidates.enumerated() {
print("Collision candidates for position \(index): \(candidates.filter { $0 != .max })")
// MARK: - External Collision Example
// Create a set of mesh positions and external query positions
let meshPositions: [SIMD3<Float>] = [
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
let queryPositions: [SIMD3<Float>] = [
[0.5, 0.5, 0.0],
[1.5, 1.5, 0.0]
// Configure spatial hashing
let externalConfig = SpatialHashing.Configuration(cellSize: 1.0, radius: 0.5)
// Create SpatialHashing instance
let externalSpatialHashing = try SpatialHashing(
device: device,
configuration: externalConfig,
maxPositionsCount: max(meshPositions.count, queryPositions.count)
// Create buffers
let meshPositionsBuffer = try device.typedBuffer(with: meshPositions, valueType: .float3)
let queryPositionsBuffer = try device.typedBuffer(with: queryPositions, valueType: .float3)
let externalCollisionCandidatesBuffer = try device.typedBuffer(
with: Array(repeating: UInt32.max, count: queryPositions.count * 8),
valueType: .uint
// Create and execute command buffer
guard let externalCommandBuffer = commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer() else { return } meshPositionsBuffer, in: externalCommandBuffer)
collidablePositions: queryPositionsBuffer,
collisionCandidates: externalCollisionCandidatesBuffer,
connectedVertices: nil,
in: externalCommandBuffer
// Process results
guard let externalCollisionCandidates: [[UInt32]] = externalCollisionCandidatesBuffer.values()?.chunked(into: 8) else { return }
for (index, candidates) in externalCollisionCandidates.enumerated() {
print("Collision candidates for query position \(index): \(candidates.filter { $0 != .max })")
// MARK: - Triangle Spatial Hashing Example
// Create a simple triangle mesh
let triangleMeshPositions: [SIMD3<Float>] = [
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
let triangles: [SIMD3<UInt32>] = [
[0, 1, 2],
[1, 3, 2]
// Create query positions
let triangleQueryPositions: [SIMD3<Float>] = [
[0.5, 0.5, 0.0],
[1.5, 1.5, 0.0]
// Configure triangle spatial hashing
let triangleConfig = TriangleSpatialHashing.Configuration(cellSize: 1.0, bucketSize: 8)
// Create TriangleSpatialHashing instance
let triangleSpatialHashing = try TriangleSpatialHashing(
device: device,
configuration: triangleConfig,
maxTrianglesCount: triangles.count
// Create buffers
let triangleMeshPositionsBuffer = try device.typedBuffer(with: triangleMeshPositions, valueType: .float3)
let trianglesBuffer = try device.typedBuffer(with: triangles, valueType: .uint3)
let triangleQueryPositionsBuffer = try device.typedBuffer(with: triangleQueryPositions, valueType: .float3)
let triangleCollisionCandidatesBuffer = try device.typedBuffer(
with: Array(repeating: UInt32.max, count: triangleQueryPositions.count * 8),
valueType: .uint
// Create and execute command buffer
guard let triangleCommandBuffer = commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer() else { return }
colliderPositions: triangleMeshPositionsBuffer,
indices: trianglesBuffer,
in: triangleCommandBuffer
collidablePositions: triangleQueryPositionsBuffer,
colliderPositions: triangleMeshPositionsBuffer,
indices: trianglesBuffer,
collisionCandidates: triangleCollisionCandidatesBuffer,
in: triangleCommandBuffer
// Process results
guard let triangleCollisionCandidates: [[UInt32]] = triangleCollisionCandidatesBuffer.values()?.chunked(into: 8) else { return }
for (index, candidates) in triangleCollisionCandidates.enumerated() {
print("Collision candidates for triangle query position \(index): \(candidates.filter { $0 != .max })")