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A collection of custom scalar types for usage with

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This is a fork of mll-labs/graphql-php-scalars that supports PHP 7.4 and eliminates several unnecessary third party dependencies. As a result, email validation will be slightly stricter (we rely on the built-in PHP filter_var()).


composer require compwright/graphql-php-scalars


You can use the provided Scalars just like any other type in your schema definition. Check SchemaUsageTest for an example.

If using the SDL, you can use the included ScalarDirectiveDecorator to load your desired custom scalar class and attach it to a custom scalar type.

You'll need this in your schema:

# used to specify the desired class to execute for a custom scalar
directive @scalar(class: String!) on SCALAR

# add the directive to each custom scalar
scalar Email @scalar(class: "Compwright\\GraphqlScalars\\Email")

Then when loading the schema, pass an instance of ScalarDirectiveDecorator as the $typeConfigDecorator argument to BuildSchema::build():

BuildSchema::build($ast, new ScalarDirectiveDecorator());

If multiple decorators are needed to implement various other things, they could be pipelined together using something like

An arbitrarily long sequence of digits that represents a big integer.

A date string with format Y-m-d, e.g. 2011-05-23.

The following conversion applies to all date scalars:

  • Outgoing values can either be valid date strings or \DateTimeInterface instances.
  • Incoming values must always be valid date strings and will be converted to \DateTimeImmutable instances.

A datetime string with format Y-m-d H:i:s, e.g. 2018-05-23 13:43:32.

A datetime string with format Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uP, e.g. 2020-04-20T16:20:04+04:00, 2020-04-20T16:20:04Z.

A RFC 5321 compliant email.

Arbitrary data encoded in JavaScript Object Notation. See

This expects a string in JSON format, not a GraphQL literal.

type Query {
  foo(bar: JSON!): JSON!

# Wrong, the given value is a GraphQL literal object
  foo(bar: { baz: 2 })

# Correct, the given value is a JSON string representing an object
  foo(bar: "{ \"bar\": 2 }")

JSON responses will contain nested JSON strings.

  "data": {
    "foo": "{ \"bar\": 2 }"

Loose type that allows any value. Be careful when passing in large Int or Float literals, as they may not be parsed correctly on the server side. Use String literals if you are dealing with really large numbers to be on the safe side.

Always null. Strictly validates value is non-null, no coercion.

The Regex class allows you to define a custom scalar that validates that the given value matches a regular expression.

The quickest way to define a custom scalar is the make factory method. Just provide a name and a regular expression, you will receive a ready-to-use custom regex scalar.

use Compwright\GraphqlScalars\Regex;

$hexValue = Regex::make(
    'A hexadecimal color is specified with: `#RRGGBB`, where `RR` (red), `GG` (green) and `BB` (blue) are hexadecimal integers between `00` and `FF` specifying the intensity of the color.',

You may also define your regex scalar as a class.

use Compwright\GraphqlScalars\Regex;

// The name is implicitly set through the class name here
class HexValue extends Regex
     * The description that is used for schema introspection.
    public ?string $description = <<<'DESCRIPTION'
A hexadecimal color is specified with: `#RRGGBB`, where `RR` (red), `GG` (green) and `BB` (blue)
are hexadecimal integers between `00` and `FF` specifying the intensity of the color.

    public static function regex(): string
        return '/^#?([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})$/';

The StringScalar encapsulates all the boilerplate associated with creating a string-based Scalar type. It performs basic checks and coercion, you can focus on the minimal logic that is specific to your use case.

All you have to specify is a function that checks if the given string is valid. Use the factory method make to generate an instance on the fly.

use Compwright\GraphqlScalars\StringScalar;

$coolName = StringScalar::make(
    'A name that is most definitely cool.',
    static function (string $name): bool {
        return in_array($name, [

Or you may simply extend the class, check out the implementation of the Email scalar to see how.


A collection of custom scalar types for usage with webonyx/graphql-php







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  • PHP 98.6%
  • Makefile 1.4%