Spatial Demography
DEM 7263
Fall 2021
Mondays 6-8:30
Instructor: Dr. Corey S. Sparks
Office hours: Monday afternoons, preferably by appointment
Spatial data are ubiquitous in human population research, and the processes in population dynamics (fertility, mortality and migration) all have spatial components to them. The goals of this course are to introduce students to the applications and usage of spatial statistics for population research. This class will introduce students to literature on spatial demography, including contextual factors related to health, conceptual measures of space and place and Census geographies. This class will also have a large analytical component with topics to include global and local spatial autocorrelation and clustering, spatially autoregressive models, spatial generalized linear mixed models including treatment of Bayesian hierarchical models.
We will be using R. R is the language in which most research statisticians work and current methodological developments are being made, it is also free and can be used on any operating system.
Please update your R version (4.1.1) to the latest release and update all your packages.
We will use R through Rstudio ( and we will use Rpubs for turning in all assignments.
You should also install the version 4.0 install of Rtools if you are a windows user. For those of you interested in R, I have published all of the examples from this class, and my other classes to my Rpubs site:, so you can follow along with that stuff if you choose.
I will also post data and other resources to my Github repository
Copy and paste the following command in Rstudio to install the packages we will use in this class:
In Rstudio. Please have these programs downloaded and installed prior to class.
Title | Author | ISBN | Status |
Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (ASDR) Second Edition | Bivand, Pebesma, Rubio | 9781461476177 | Required |
--- | --- | --- |
Week | Date | Topic | Suggested Reading |
1 | 8/23 | Course introduction & Why spatial demography? | Castro 2007, Entwisle 2007, Fitzpatrick 2011 ch 1&2; Goodchild 2010, Logan 2012; Voss 2007 |
2 | 8/30 | Exploratory analysis, Principles of spatial data and spatial auto-correlation, descriptive analysis of patterns and clusters | WG ch 1,2,4, ASDR ch 1&9.1-9.4, Anselin et al 2006, Wise et al 1999, Dormann et al 2007 |
3 | 9/6 | No Class Labor Day | |
4 | 9/13 | Topic: Neighborhood constructs | Bernard et al 2007; Cummins et al 2007; Macintyre et al 2002; Popay et al 2003; Schaefer-MaDaniel et al 2010 |
5 | 9/20 | Spatial regression 1 (Review of OLS / Types of SRM) | ASDR ch 9.4, Ward ch 2&3, WG ch 9.1-9.3, Chi and Zhu 2008 |
6 | 9/27 | Spatial regression 2 (Model specification and testing) Topic must be Approved | ASDR ch 9.4, Anselin 2002, Chi and Zhu 2008, Sparks and Sparks 2010; Yang et al 2015 |
7 | 10/4 | Spatial Regimes | Brazil 2015; Curtis et al 2012; Shoff and Yang 2012 |
8 | 10/11 | Spatial regression of count data: Spatial GLM’s | ASDR ch 9.4, WG ch 9.4 |
9 | 10/18 | Topic: Residential Segregation Tell class about topic | Gatzweiler 2014; Kaplan 2011; Massey and Denton 1988, Reardon and O’Sullivan 2004, Williams 2009 |
10 | 10/25 | Cluster analysis of spatial data | |
11 | 11/1 | Topic: Context Matters | Cattell 2001 Diez roux 2001; Diez Roux 2010; Duncan 1996; Fitzpatrick 2011 ch 3&5; Mohnen 2011; Sampson 1999& 1989 |
12 | 11/8 | Bayesian modeling | Lawson Ch2 & 3, WG 9.7, Waller 2005 |
13 | 11/15 | Bayesian hierarchical modeling | Lawson Ch 5, WG 9.7, ASDR 10.4 |
14 | 11/22 | Small area estimation | |
15 | 12/6 | Class presentations |