I'm Marc, a full-stack developer with a focus on the back-end and infrastructure part of it.
Through my studies in internet of things at @hfg-gmuend I speak the language of design and development. I'm not the perfect data scientist, nor the best UI designer, but I know both worlds and therefore able to build projects from start to finish. From the baseline of hardware and software infrastructure to the stroke width of the icons used in my frontends.
I love solving problems that challenge me. If you need help solving a problem hit me up through one of my socials or via my email linked in my profile.
Not convinced? Take a look at my projects in here or some others that aren't public on GitHub on my website. If you want to take a deeper look at one of those let me know and we'll have a little chat about them.
be aware those stats are only valid to my public repositories and slightly different including my private ones