A command line interface for Cronbee monitoring tool.
The easiest way to monitor your Cron tasks!
1.You'll need an account at https://cronbee.com to get started.
2.In the Cronbee interface, copy your monitor ID (e.g. e6de1592-dc23-4436-b32d-79c0a47ea327)
Basic usage of the command is...
$ cronbee -u UUID [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
The CLI can be used in three ways:
You can signal that a cron job has run successfully completed using a ping event:
cronbee -u 43d483a8-6487-4428-82ec-5199d23ba22a -p
Running this command will signal cronbee that your script has started and on exit will signal a stop OR error event based on the exit code of the process:
cronbee -u 43d483a8-6487-4428-82ec-5199d23ba22a my-script.sh
The CLI tool set automatically the token into a environment variable as CRONBEE_TOKEN who can be used into scripts like this way
cronbee -u 43d483a8-6487-4428-82ec-5199d23ba22a -e [EVENT] -t $CRONBEE_TOKEN
Here are the options available in the CLI:
Name | Description |
-e | Set the event name to send |
-h | Display help |
-? | Display help |
-n | Set the default line number to display (default 200) |
-p | Send a ping to a monitor |
-t | Specify the token |
-u | Specify the monitor id (required) |
-v | Display messages |
$ wget -O - http://packages.cronbee.com/apt/conf/key.gpg.key|apt-key add -
$ curl https://packages.cronbee.com/apt/debian/buster.list > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster.list
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install cronbee
$ wget -O - http://packages.cronbee.com/apt/conf/key.gpg.key|apt-key add -
$ curl https://packages.cronbee.com/apt/ubuntu/bionic.list > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bionic.list
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install cronbee
$ git clone https://github.com/cronbee/cronbee-cli.git
$ cmake .
$ make
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License
You can send us a message at hello@cronbee.com