Ramda extensions
npm i ramjam
String => {a} => [{a}] => [{a}]
identify a collection item and merge updates
const adjustById = adjustBy('id')
const items = [
{ id: 1, x: 1, y: 1 },
{ id: 2, x: 2, y: 2 }
const update = { id: 2, x: 42 }
adjustById(update, items)
// [
// { id: 1, x: 1, y: 1 },
// { id: 2, x: 42, y: 2 }
[a] => Boolean
allAbsent([[], {}, ''])
// true
allAbsent([[], {one: 1}, ''])
// false
const isSignupButtonShowing = allAbsent([user, signupToken])
[a] => Boolean
allPresent([['a'], { one: 1 }, 'a', 1])
// true
allPresent([[], { one: 1 }, 'a', 1])
// false
const isConfigShowing = allPresent([user, activeSettingsTab])
[a] => Boolean
anyAbsent([[], { one: 1 }, 'x'])
// true
anyAbsent([[42], { one: 1 }, 'x'])
// false
const isSpinnerShowing = allAbsent([user, guitars, fetchError])
[a] => Boolean
anyPresent([['a'], {}, '']))
// true
anyPresent([[''], {}, '']))
// false
const isDashboardShowing = anyPresent([user, guitars])
(a, [a]) => [a]
const state = ['one', 'two', 'three']
appendOrRemove('two', state)
appendOrRemove('four', state)
// ['one', 'three', 'four']
const onClickCheckbox = value => {
const newSelections = appendOrRemove(value, selections)
stateSetter => item => void
append item or array of items onto state array
must be curried
const usePedals = () => {
const [pedals, setPedals] = useState(['fuzz'])
const addPedals = appendState(setPedals)
return { addPedals, pedals }
const { addPedals } = usePedals()
// pedals state becomes ['fuzz', 'delay']
addPedals(['wah', 'phase'])
// pedals state becomes ['fuzz', 'delay', 'wah', 'phase']
String => String
// 'one_two_three'
const camelKeysToSnake = mapKeys(camelToSnake)
const user = {
familyName: '',
givenName: ''
const createUserQuery = camelKeysToSnake(user)
// {
// family_name: '',
// given_name: ''
// }
Function => String => Object => Object
augment an object by applying a function to it
const sumValues = pipe(values, sum)
const extendSum = extend(sumValues, 'sum')
extendSum({ one: 1, two: 2 })
// { one: 1, two: 2, sum: 3 }
any => any
for collections; returns an empty object when passed an empty array or anything other than an array
first( [{one: 1}] )
// {one: 1}
// {}
// {}
[[String]] => {a} => {a}
const axiosErrorPaths = [
['config', 'url'],
['config', 'data'],
['response', 'status'],
['response', 'statusText'],
['response', 'data']
const makeErrorResponse = flatPick(axiosErrorPaths)
const onError = axiosError => {
const response = makeErrorResponse(axiosError)
return Promise.reject(response)
axios.interceptors.response.use(prop('data'), onError)
// {
// message: 'Request failed with status code 502',
// url: '/users',
// data: 'config data',
// status: 502,
// statusText: 'Bad Gateway',
// response_data: 'response data'
// }
window => {k: String}
// https://nikhuber-guitars.com/dealers?type=orca%2059&country=thailand"
// {
// type: 'orca 59',
// country: 'thailand'
// }
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'
import { getQueryParams } from 'utils'
const useQueryParams = () => {
const { search } = useLocation()
const [queryParams, setQueryParams] = useState({})
useEffect(() => {
const newQueryParams = getQueryParams(window)
}, [search])
return queryParams
export default useQueryParams
window => [String]
// 'https://www.mesaboogie.com/en-US/Amp/?model=triple-rectifier'
// ['en-US', 'Amp']
String => [{a}] => [a]
const guitars = [
{ id: 1, make: 'Gibson', pickup: 'PAF' },
{ id: 2, make: 'Gibson', pickup: '57 Classic' },
{ id: 3, make: 'Fender', pickup: 'Lace Sensor' }
const getBrandOptions = getUniqValues('make')
// ['Gibson', 'Fender']
- => Boolean
// true
isAbsent({ one: 1 })
isAbsent(false) // <-- emptiness; not truthiness (not intended for bools)
// false
const isSignupButtonShowing = isAbsent(user)
- => Boolean
isPresent({ one: 1 })
isPresent(false) // <-- emptiness; not truthiness (not intended for bools)
// true
// false
const isDashboardLinkShowing = isPresent(user)
{k: String} => String
const members = {
guitar: 'Leo Nocentelli',
keyboard: 'Art Neville'
// ?guitar=Leo%20Nocentelli&keyboard=Art%20Neville
const toUpper = x => x.toUpperCase()
const gear = {
cables: {
toAmp: 'Boss',
patch: 'George L'
const toUpperKeys = mapKeys(toUpper)
// {
// CABLES: {
// TOAMP: 'Boss',
// PATCH: 'George L'
// }
// }
{k: String} => String => String
replaceFragments = mapReplace({
'P Funk': 'P-Funk',
In: 'in'
const makeBillboard = pipe(
join(' '),
const slug = 'p-funk-live-in-new-york'
// 'P-Funk Live in New York'
stateSetter => {a} => void
const useUser = () => {
const [user, setUser] = useState({})
const updateUser = mergeState(setUser)
return { updateUser, user }
const { updateUser } = useUser()
updateUser({ id: 1, age: 42 })
updateUser({ age: 43, points: 2 })
// user is now { id: 1, age: 43, points: 2 }
String => [String | br tag]
const titles = `The Bends
Ok Computer
Kid A`
//['The Bends', <br />, 'Ok Computer', <br />, 'Kid A']
- => Boolean
stateSetter => item => void
prepend item or array of items onto state array
must be curried
const useInts = () => {
const [ints, setInts] = useState([1])
const prependInts = prependState(setInts)
return { ints, prependInts }
const { ints, prependInts } = useInts()
// ints state becomes [2, 1]
prependInts([3, 4])
// ints state becomes [3, 4, 2, 1]
classic propEq before it was broken in
[[String]] => {a} => {a}
use a shape to create a new object from a given object
props not on the given object are set to null
const axiosErrorPaths = [
['config', 'url'],
['config', 'data'],
['response', 'status'],
['response', 'statusText'],
['response', 'data']
const makeErrorResponse = prune(axiosErrorPaths)
// {
// message: 'Request failed with status code 502',
// config: {
// url: '/users',
// data: 'config data'
// },
// response: {
// status: 502,
// statusText: 'Bad Gateway',
// data: 'response data'
// }
// }
{a} => [[String]] => {a} => {a}
prune with defaults
const defaults = {
one: {
one1: 'default'
const desiredShape = [
['one', 'one1'],
['two', 'two1'],
const toPrune = {
two: {
two1: 'incoming',
two2: 'incoming'
three: 'incoming'
const pruneResponse = pruneOr(defaults, desiredShape)
one: {
one1: 'default'
two: {
two1: 'incoming'
four: null
String => {a} | primitive => [{a}] => [{a}]
Remove collection items by matching key/value or value
const colors = [
{ id: 1, color: 'red' },
{ id: 2, color: 'green' },
{ id: 3, color: 'blue' },
{ id: 4, color: 'blue' }
const removeById = removeBy('id')
const itemToRemove = { id: 2, color: 'green' }
// this matches { id: 2 }
removeById(itemToRemove, colors)
// [
// { id: 1, color: 'red' },
// { id: 3, color: 'blue' },
// { id: 4, color: 'blue' }
// ]
const removeColor = removeBy('color')
// this matches { color: 'blue' }
removeColor('blue', colors)
// [
// { id: 1, color: 'red' },
// { id: 2, color: 'green' }
// ]
stateSetter => String => {a} | primitive => void
Remove collection items in state by matching key/value or value
Just toss whatever object you have at the state to remove it
const fetchedGuitars = [
{ id: 1, make: 'Gibson' },
{ id: 2, make: 'Gibson' },
{ id: 3, make: 'Fender' },
{ id: 4, make: 'Fender' }
const useGuitars = () => {
const [guitars, setGuitars] = useState(fetchedGuitars)
const removeGuitarBy = removeStateBy(setGuitars)
const removeGuitar = removeGuitarBy('id')
const removeGuitarMake = removeGuitarBy('make')
return { guitars, removeGuitar, removeGuitarMake }
const { removeGuitar, removeGuitarMake } = useGuitars()
// this matches { id: 2 }
removeGuitar({ id: 2, make: 'Gibson' })
// guitars state becomes
// [
// { id: 1, make: 'Gibson' },
// { id: 3, make: 'Fender' },
// { id: 4, make: 'Fender' }
// ]
// this matches { make: 'Fender' }
// guitars state then becomes
// [{ id: 1, make: 'Gibson' }]
{a} => {a} => {a}
const guitar = {
guitarId: 42,
transduction: 'SH4',
config: {
transduction: true
make: 'Gibson'
const guitarKeyReplacements = {
guitarId: 'id',
transduction: 'pickups'
const renameGuitarKeys = renameKeys(guitarKeyReplacements)
// {
// id: 42,
// pickups: 'SH4',
// config: {
// pickups: true
// },
// make: 'Gibson'
// }
String => String
// oneTwoThree
const snakeKeysToCamel = mapKeys(snakeToCamel)
const queryResult = {
user_id: 42,
given_name: '',
family_name: ''
// {
// userId: 42,
// givenName: '',
// familyName: ''
// }
( [...args, currentState] -> newState ) => stateSetter => [...args] => void
curry state setters with transform functions
- a transform function that takes the current state as its last argument and returns a modified state. You do not pass the state.
- the state setter
- arguments to be passed to the transform function before the current state
You must curry the first two args to create a declarative function that updates the state as a side effect.
const appendState = updateState(append)
const updateStateById = updateState(adjustBy('id'))
const useUser = () => {
const [users, setUsers] = useState([])
const addUser = appendState(setUsers)
const updateUser = updateStateById(setUsers)
return { addUser, updateUser, user }
const { addUser, updateUser } = useUsers()
addUser({ id: 1, age: 20 })
addUser({ id: 2, age: 30 })
updateUser({ id: 2, age: 31 })
// users state becomes
// [
// { id: 1, age: 20 },
// { id: 2, age: 31 }
// ]
const mergeState = updateState(mergeDeepLeft)
const useGuitar = () => {
const [guitar, setGuitar] = useState({})
const updateGuitar = mergeState(setGuitar)
return { guitar, updateGuitar }
const { updateGuitar } = useGuitar()
updateGuitar({ id: 1, status: 'new' })
updateGuitar({ status: 'used', make: 'Gibson' })
// guitar state becomes
// { id: 1, status: 'used', make: 'Gibson' }