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practice repository

This is practice. GitHub is interesting. Practice makes perfect. Yay more practice for fingers crossed new job!

Learned how to add html/css files -edit uploaded files

Began JavaScript 30 on Feb 11 ~ add projects to CodePen for Portfolio

 Completed 18/30

Transfer JavaScript 30 projects to Codepen for Portfolio

  Drum Kit -
  JS + CSS Clock -
  CSS Variables -
  Flex Panel Gallery -
  Ajax Type Ahead -
  Fun with HTML canvas -
  Hold shift and check multiple checkboxes -
  Custom HTML5 video player -
  Slide In on Scroll -
  Local Storage and Event Delegation (add Kelsey CSS)  -
  Mouse Move Shadow (fix JS code, add Kelsey CSS) -
  Sort without articles (add Kelsey CSS) -
  Add tally string times?


Other JS projects

Infinite Color Flipper - 
Counter -
Review Carousel -

Create portfolio in WordPress (

Looked at free themes 4/1

Themes to consider: 
  Argent Theme (currently using) - portfolio option
  Blank Canvas - totally customizable
  Dalston - portfolio option
  Twenty Twenty-One
Began working on portfolio (playing around, figuring out the cms) - 4/19

Played around with layout, navigation, etc - 4/27
  -figured out how to turn website into a single page site (HTML anchors)
  -learned more about WordPress block editor boxes
  -3 different layouts to choose from for Portfolio section (image/links, gallery, or slideshow)
      -probably go with the image/links route
  -Tweak footer information (added contact info area)
  -Added a contact form after the portfolio section
      -center?, adjust size of boxes? (@ 75% but maybe should make smaller),
Made Portfolio checklist - 4/28
Finalized porfolio section layout (image blocks with links and covers) - 5/3
  -worked on Codepen websites for porfolio (finished edits for Drum kit, flex panel)
Fixed JavaScript 30 Codepen sites (Clock) - 5/5
Fixed Ajax type ahead codepen - 5/11
Fixed CSS variables codepen - 5/12
  -do more JS30 or ready for Portfolio?
Consulted Lauren about CodePen sites for Portfolio - 5/24
Approval for CodePen sites (product landing, ajax type ahead, flex panel, js clock) - 5-25
Work on final steps on Portfolio - 5/26
  -add screenshots to media
    -cover blocks for portfolio images won't work...create cover-like images to use instead
    -created and added cover images for portfolio section (all minus ggl done)
Continue finalizing portfolio - 5/27
  -add ggl image to portfolio section
  -images reordered and linked to correct websites
Cont finalizing portfolio website - 5/28
  -play with layout some more
  -fix contact section
  -add header image/adjust color palette
  -add about picture (Linkdin pic, maybe resize and upload again?)
  -change contact info on footer (need full address/phone?)
Finish portfolio - 5/31
  -add profile pic to about me section
  -adjust spacers between about, portfolio, and contact me section
  -add header image
  -css hide border header
  -add html anchor links to navigation (and they work!)
  -edit about me section...continue then send final product to Lauren/Jayson to review
Finish portfolio - 6/3
  -add text to about me section
  -add a site icon
  -make website live and make changes
    -adjust line height in footer
    -fix padding around submit text
    -try to fix page jumps placement
  -verify site on Google 
  -send link to Lauren/Jayson for review (fingers crossed)
Make changes from Lauren/Jayon's review - 6/4
  -adjust height on header
  -take home link off nav
  -remove link from name on header ~don't think I can change this
  -remove links from inside H2
  -use square version of picture
  -open all examples in new tabs
  -tighten line height on names of examples
  -reduce space under headings (footer)
  -center nav and contact info to match social
  -remove Aiken, SC under contact and lowercase email
  -have social icons open in new tab
  -resend to Lauren and Jayson when updates are done
    -Portfolio passed review! Ready for resume/job applications!
5/5/2022 - Make plan to update/add new content to portfolio
  -Change/add new/more links to projects
    -added a "More Projects" tile 
    -add one for Review Carousel, etc?
  -update portfolio images
  -cartoonify/expand About me section

Summer 2020/2021 - now ~ applying to various jobs

    -updating resumes/cover letters/LinkedIn etc.
      -As of May 2022, applied to 30+ jobs
        -no interviews/offers yet ~time to update Portfolio/continue to apply


practice repository






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