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SharingHub is a web application offering collaborative services useful to developers or data scientists working in the fields of AI and earth observation. It offers tools for managing datasets, AI models and associated tools. Inspired by the HuggingFace platform, SharingHub brings the management dimension of geographic information, and is deployable on top of any GitLab instance.

Table of contents


The SharingHub is made of 3 components:

  • sharinghub-server: backend server with the API implementation. Can be requested from the web portal and compatible clients.
  • sharinghub-ui: web portal, main entry-point for the users.
  • sharinghub-docs: end-user documentation.

This repository is used to assemble these components as a single container image. Furthermore, you can find in Deployment guide the necessary steps to deploy, as well as the deployment resources (Helm charts under deploy/helm).

Getting started

Python 3.11 required.

Setup the environment:

python -mvenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install the pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install --install-hooks

Follow the instructions in each component

  • sharinghub-server
  • sharinghub-ui
  • sharinghub-docs

Deployment guide

Docker image

Build image

You must first build the images of each components. Each of them describes its build steps in their own

We assemble these images as one image, the sharinghub image:

docker build . -t <docker-registry>/sharinghub:latest

Push image

You can now push the final image:

docker push <docker-registry>/sharinghub:latest

Create a robot account

Create a robot account in the docker registry to access the image.

kubectl create namespace sharinghub

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-username='<robot-username>' --docker-password='<robot-password>' --docker-server='<docker-registry>' --namespace sharinghub

Create a secret key

The server needs a secret key for security purposes, create the secret:

kubectl create secret generic sharinghub --from-literal session-secret-key="<uuid>" --namespace sharinghub

Configure a Gitlab Application for authentication

You will need to create an application in your Gitlab instance in order to use SharingHub.

Configure an application in the GitLab instance for OpenID connect authentication:

Callback URLs example:


Note: localhost URL is for development purposes, if you don't want it you can remove it.

Configure application

You will be given a secret, and an application id, we will use them to create the following secret:

kubectl create secret generic sharinghub-oidc --from-literal client-id="<application-id>" --from-literal client-secret="<application-secret>" --namespace sharinghub

If you want, you can also set a default token, allowing use to use SharingHub without being authenticated, because the token will be used as default. The default token can be a personal Access Token, or a Group Access Token. Group tokens needs at least the role Reporter, and the scopes read_api, read_repository. Personal tokens needs api scope.

The secret creation will look like this:

kubectl create secret generic sharinghub-oidc  --from-literal default-token="<default-token>" --from-literal client-id="<client-id>" --from-literal client-secret="<client-secret>" --namespace sharinghub

Configure the server

You're almost there. The last step is to create your own configuration. The default one in the charts is not ready-to-use out of the box.

Create your own values.<platform>.yaml file:

config: |-
  # yaml config here

  repository: <docker-registry>/sharinghub
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  # Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
  tag: "latest"

  -  name: regcred

  enabled: true
  className: "nginx"
  annotations: letsencrypt-prod "true" 10g
    - host: sharinghub.<domain-name>
        - path: /
          pathType: ImplementationSpecific
    - secretName: sharinghub-tls
        - sharinghub.<domain-name>

Complete the values, replace <domain-name> with your target domain, and configure the server. Please check the server configuration in the file of the SharingHub server repository.

When all is done, install/update your deployment:

# Install & Update
helm upgrade --install -n sharinghub --create-namespace sharinghub ./deploy/helm/sharinghub -f ./deploy/helm/values.<platform>.yaml


Create a S3 bucket

You can use a S3 bucket to store your datasets.

If you chose to use one, you need to create a s3 bucket in your provider and create the associated secret:

kubectl create secret generic sharinghub-s3 --from-literal access-key="<access-key>" --from-literal secret-key="<secret-key>" --namespace sharinghub

For more detail about S3 configuration you can check this.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2024 CS GROUP - France

SharingHub is an open source software, distributed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more information.