A simple tool for running video or camera data through YOLOv3 and outputting predictions to a CSV file.
Firstly, load weights for YOLO:
$ ./prepare.sh
Next, feed your data into the script using regular YOLOv3
python3 detect_to_json.py \
--model yolov3.weights \
--config model/yolov3.cfg \
--classes model/coco_classes.txt \
--input_video test.mp4 \
--output_video out/sample_output.mp4 \
--output_csv test.csv
Alternatively you can use YOLOv3-tiny
python3 detect_to_json.py \
--model yolov3-tiny.weights \
--config model/yolov3-tiny.cfg \
--classes model/coco_classes.txt \
--input_video test.mp4 \
--output_video out/sample_output.mp4 \
--output_csv test.csv
If output to CSV is set, the following format will be outputted:
# frame,label,confidence,x,y,w,h