This is a simple TTS based on perl version: Uses Google Translate API
just clone the repository
You need to have:
- Asterisk 1.4+
- phpAGI
- php 5+
- sox
- mpg123
look at the example.php file. Just run it as an AGI script from Asterisk's Dialplan:
To generate text in default language with default speeed
$tts->say_tts("This is a test");
To generate text in Polish, with default speeed
$tts->say_tts("To jest test", 'pl');
To generate text in Polish, with speeed x2
$tts->say_tts("To jest test", 'pl', 2);
To generate text in Polish, with speeed x2, without answering the call (will play file as early media)
$tts->say_tts("To jest test", 'pl', 2, 'noanswer');
exensions.conf may look like this:
exten => 602,1,Noop()
exten => 602,n,agi(gtts/example.php)
- The input text must be UTF-8 encoded.
- Sometimes does not work if the input stting is too long. If so, try splitting to shorter parts. I think that happens because of some limitations on google side.
- sounds are automatically cached in /tmp
Cezary Siwek (