A CSIRT Jump Bag is an organised kit with all the basics that are needed to respond to a security incident and collect forensic evidences.
Review this checklist before going on site
- Ubuntu Live CD (Linux)
- Ubuntu Live from USB (Linux)
- Hiren's BootCD (Windows)
- KillDisk
- Chain of custody document
- Forensic imaging guidelines
- IR playbook
- Business cards
- [SANS Cheat Sheets(https://www.sans.org/blog/the-ultimate-list-of-sans-cheat-sheets/)
- Put stickers on your hardware. That way you can easily recognize them from the already present gear.
- Drives
- External SSD hard drives (USB)
- Drive connectors
- Write blockers and/or ComboDock (such as Forensic ComboDock, model FCDv5.5
- Imaging
- Cables
- RJ45 cables
- Power cables
- Power extension cable
- Serial to USB cable
- Devices
- Camera
- USB hub
- Digital clock
- Network hub
- Power multi-socket
- Network taps
- Dualcomm network taps
- SFP modules (Multimode / Single-mode)
- Gear
- Anti-static bags
- Tape
- Screwdriver
- SIM ejector
- Note taking
- Labels
- Pencils
- Notebook
- Flashlight
- Network taps
- Network hub
- RS232 and RS485 taps
- LiME
- Sysinternals
- Winpmem
- FTK Imager
- Nirsoft tools
- tcpdump
- Wireshark
- portmon
- dumpit
- memoryze
- Mandiant Redline
- Volatility
- MemProcFS
- BulkExtractor
- SuperMem
- srum-dump
- Raspberry Pi
- tcpdump
- nfdump
- dd
- nc
- Power adapter
- RJ-45
- RJ-45 to USB
- Hardware
- Processor: Intel Core i7 or i9, with at least eight cores
- Memory: 64GB DDR4
- Harddrive: M2 NVME SSD (for speed) with 1TB storage
- 2x USB3.1 and 1x USB-C
- Screen size doesn't really matter, you can use an external screen
- Operating system
- Host operating system doesn't really matter as none of the IR work is done on the host operating system
- Windows 10 or Ubuntu Linux
- Non-domain-joined laptop
- Access to the laptop must be protected with a username/password
- Full disk encryption is highly advised
- Three partitions
- System partition, with the host operating system
- Data partition, with the virtual machines
- Evidence partition, used to transfer evidences from USB or other sources
- This partition is always wiped when an investigation is finished
- Hypervisor Install virtualisation software. All forensic work is done via on in virtualised environment. Make sure the laptop BIOS supports an hyporvisor.
- VMWare (Workstation / Fusion)
- After the installation of the virtual machines, always create a "CLEAN" snapshot (label it correctly).
On IR-laptop
- FLARE workstation
- SIFT workstation
- Ubuntu VM with Autopsy
- (optional) Ubuntu VM with MISP and TheHive
- Download Windows 10 image from Microsoft https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO
- Use this ISO to setup FLARE, or other Windows 10 machines to run or evaluate samples
- Create the VM in the Data partition
- Setup Windows 10 with a local account. Include privacy hardening settings
- Install all updates
- Install VMware Tools
- Reboot
- Set the time zone to UTC. This is a general best practice for conducting forensic analysis and ensures a standard time zone is being used across all tools.
- Configure Windows Explorer to show hidden files. Open File Explorer -> View -> check “Hidden items” and “File name extensions”.
- Create a snapshot
Installation takes about 3h to complete.
- Create a full clone from base Windows 10 VM
- Disable Tamper Protection and Defender
- Install Flare VM
- Install PowerShell 7
- VSCode
- Git for Windows
- Sysinternals if not installed by Flare
- Winpmem
- FTK Imager
- Nirsoft tools
- memoryze
- Mandiant Redline
- Create a "Clean" snapshot at the end of the installation
The SIFT Workstation is a collection of free and open-source incident response and forensic tools designed to perform detailed digital forensic examinations in a variety of settings. It can match any current incident response and forensic tool suite. SIFT demonstrates that advanced incident response capabilities and deep-dive digital forensic techniques can be accomplished using cutting-edge open-source tools that are freely available and frequently updated.
- Create a full clone from base Windows 10 VM
- Follow the instructions from Option 2B at https://www.sans.org/tools/sift-workstation/
- Easy Installation on Microsoft Windows using Windows Subsystem for Linux
- Create a "Clean" snapshot at the end of the installation
- Safeguard evidences (USB, locker)
- Update chain-of-custody documentation
- Wipe evidence partition
- Reset virtual machines to CLEAN state