kaniko image k8s
kaniko-secret this is created by kubectl,just for your private registry auth. you can execute docker login then you can get a config.json in HOME/.docker
kubectl create namespace kaniko
kubectl create secret generic kaniko-secret --from-file=/root/.docker/config.json -n kaniko
kubectl label node $NODENAME kaniko=enabled
kubectl taint node $NODENAME kaniko=enabled:NoSchedule
git pull your own repo, you must build a image with ssh private key.and replace the default image alpine/git in the source code.
go build
Usage of ./kaniko-image:
-c string
(optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "/root/.kube/config")
-n string
namespace (default "default")
-p string
projrct name
-r string
registry name
-repo string
provide a repo of your project
kaniko-image -n kaniko -p spin-kub-demo -repo https://github.com/cuishuaigit/spin-kub-demo.git -r fastop/kaniko-demo:coding